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After what those boys had said to me I walked off and found a compartment with a girl in there so I decided to just go in there. "Um hi im y/n do you mind if i sit here with you?" I asked her. "Of course you can im hermione" said said sticking her hand out for me to shake and I gladly took it. "Do why are you moving compartments now as we're almost half way to hogwarts?" Hermione asked. "These boys were being rude to me so i just got up and left" i stated as calmly as possible when in reality i wanted to punch someone. "Awe im sorry, did they do that to you?" She asked as she pointed to the bruises you could see from my dad. "Erm no thats a long story" i told her not wanting to get into it. "Oh okay" she said smiling at me.
The train had stopped and we had gotten out and were walking to the boats we had to yse to row across the lake. I got in a boat with hermione and as the school came into view I gasped at its beauty.
We walked through the main doors and made out way to the great hall where we would be sorted into our houses. As we were sitting there waiting to walk in draco and Mattheo walked up to me. "Oh look mudblood thomson made friends with another mudblood" mattheo said to draco. "Well at least i dont attack people about their blood status" i told them both. "Mattheo i think we should teach thomson how to respect her superiors" draco said to Mattheo. "Leave her alone" a brown haired boy said from behind them. "Oh look thomson you've got yourself a boyfriend" Mattheo sarcastically said to me and then they walked away.
We were aloud to walk into the great hall . I was scared I would be separated from hermione since she was my only friend and i was new so I didn't really know anyone .I had to wait for all the fist years to get sorted then it was my turn.I was hoping for griffindor because hermione is griffindor. I wasn't paying attention when my name got called out and my feet dragged me up to the chair to be sorted. "Hm quite interesting, brave, courageous, on would say shes every house in one. But which one to put you in, i think...SLYTHERIN!" The hat called out. I was so sad I scanned the table to see where to sit when i saw lorenzo waving at the seat infront of him.
So I walked over and sat infront of him. Sadly he was sitting with draco and mattheo but he was also sitting with theodore and pansy who didn't seem that bad."hi im pansy i dont know if you remember me from the train but I didn't get the chance to say hi!" She said really fast. "Hi pansy im y/n nice to meet you!" I said to her excited to make friends. "Hey im theodore Nott but you can just call me theo." The other boy said to me. "Hi nice to meet you" i said to him. "Y/n call me enzo but ignore what mattheo and draco say to you they aren't to nicest people" he told me. " oh its okay ive grown up with people like that" i said to him referring on the kids at my old school. "Hey y/n why do you have bruises all over your face" pansy asked from next to me. "Oh um im just clumsy" i told them hoping nobody could tell. My head felt weird but i just ignored it as i went in with my thoughts. I didn't really feel like telling people i just met that my dad beats me almost every day. Its not something people want to hear.
"Y/n!" I heard pansy scream snapping me out if my thoughts. My head went back to normal as i looked around to see mattheo staring at me."yes pansy?" I asked confused on what she wanted. "You haven't eaten anything and dinners almost over" she said to me. All my new friends including mattheo and draco started staring at me. "Oh im just not hungry" i lied. My dad would always say stuff about how fat i was and how I should stop eating for once. "Y/n you need to eat" i heard enzo say to me as i was looking up "Enzo its fine" i said trying to get them to forget about it. After a minute dinner was over and we made our way to the common room. And I found out i was sharing a dorm with pansy so i get excited.

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