The supsense contines

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Lizzie and Hope sat in silence for a minute Hope looks at Lizzie with a low sigh.

"Lizzie, how is defending your cousin a sign I have feelings for her?"

Lizzie rolls her eyes trying not to make eye contact with Hope. She didn't answer for a couple of minutes but then her answer was made up in her mind.

"It's not just that I seen the way you talked to her on the way here and the way you defend her even if I am in the wrong. It's there I feel it you do to you just don't want to admit it."

Lizzie was trying to keep herself together but knowing what she had just said made her want to throw up inside.

"I love you Lizzie I just don't want there to be any lies in this relationship."

"I get it and I am sorry but you didn't deny it so neither of us are perfect."

Lizzie gets up and walks away before Hope could see how upset she was. A tear was coming from the corner of Lizzie's eye but she quickly wipes her eyes. Not a few seconds later Lizzie started to get a bad feeling something ominous. It was the same feeling she had a couple of nights ago except it looked like the feeling was stronger and pulling Lizzie in deeper.

"Lizzie." A whisper deepened into Lizzie's ears

The wind grew stronger with the coldness that gave goosebumps. Lizzie couldn't get the voice out of her head. She grunted holding tightly to tree trying to ignore the whispers but she can't.
Lizzie walked away from the others where she sees a glowing blue light lead the way. It was beautiful to Lizzie that she couldn't resist she felt the need to follow. There it was the same spot she was at in her dream. Lizzie felt surreal out of her body but still had sense confused emotion on what is happening to her. The totem was there in the same spot just like before Lizzie felt drawn to the blue light once again.

Was this also a dream or a daydream?" Lizzie thought

Once Lizzie was near the blue shining rock the whisper screeched louder into Lizzie's ears. It was very loud Lizzie covered her ears calling out for Hope but no answer. The voice was telling to touch the rock it kept repeating and shouting till Lizzie was tired of it and picked up the rock. Underneath Lizzie's feet she could feel the ground shaking the wind getting stronger and stronger next thing Lizzie knew she was out cold.

"Hello? Hello!" Lizzie shouted and shouted but no response "Hello! Is anyone there? Can you hear me!?"

Lizzie was surrounded by darkness which kinda freaked her out. She knew it had to be a dream all of it was fake but Lizzie still couldn't panicking. After pointless screaming and no answers she breaks down in tears pleading for someone to come to her aid mostly Hope but there was only darkness and quiet.

"Hello my beautiful daughter."

When Lizzie heard that voice her eyes immediately teared up. She slowly turned around to find her dad standing only a few feet away from her.

"Dad?" Lizzie said tearfully

Alaric nodded and open out his arms for Lizzie she didn't think twice before running into his arms and hugging him tightly.

" is this possible?"

Alaric chuckled "anything is possible once you put your mind to it."

"But dad your dead."

"My spirit is not but none of that is the point I have some important news and you need to listen very closely, do you understand?"

Lizzie was freaked out, nervous, and excited all at the same time she wiped her tears then nodded.

"Yes daddy, I understand."

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