Plot twist for the books

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Hope's POV
I been going along with Stefanie's plan, we have been pretending that Jonah was really the great king but secretly me and Stefanie has been meeting under the ground which I discovered looking around. Once Again it was the middle of night where I snuck away into the hole that was kept hidden behind my dresser. Stefanie was already there with a huge book in her hand.

"Finally it took you long enough." Stefanie said trying to be quiet

"Sorry the night maid wouldn't hurry up, what is that?"

Stefanie smiles at me opening it up showing me tons of pictures which looked like they were from great Egypt many years ago.

"One of Jonah's close guards took me to the library today I think he has a little crush on me but never mind that just take a look."

I rolled my eyes to Stefanie's new admirer then went back to the book I look around a few pages only to find a ancient photo of the tribrid. My eyes widen I am the only tribrid we both heard footsteps coming down. I quickly ripped the page out and give it back to Stefanie. We went the way we came in then Stefanie headed back to her room and I went back to mine. I hid the paper under my pillow then tried to sleep the rest of the night away. Something didn't feel right I twitched and turn all night until I heard a voice wake me up in the morning.

"Hope wake up! Ms. Forbes has been requesting you."

I open my eyes to Cleo over my bed I groan getting up it was the most crazy dream again. I didn't bother telling Cleo because I can already see the stress of her having to wake me up so I quickly got dressed in a green t-shirt and black ripped jeans. Walking into Ms. Forbes office Lizzie looked annoyed and Caroline looked frustrated.

"What did I miss?" I asked

"Take a seat Hope." Caroline said softly

I take a seat slowly looking at Lizzie for information but Lizzie kept her attention on a pencil she was fidgeting around with.

"Look I already have been getting complaints about you two behaviors now the ruckus that happens in your room Lizzie come on."

I instantly knew what she was talking about which made all of us embarrassed.

"Can we leave now." Lizzie said abruptly

"Look girls I know this is a awkward situation but please keep it down for all of us sakes now Lizzie you can go, but Hope will you stay?"

"Um sure." I said slowly

Lizzie looked at me I nodded at her to tell her it was okay. Once we were alone Caroline pulled out a book about ancient artifacts the same book that I tried to look for in the middle of night for the past two days.

"Some of my spy's I saw you looking for this ."

"I just like to read I don't see the problem with that."

"Hope I am not the only one who notices you have been acting different for the past couple days, what is wrong with you?"

I think back to all the dreams I have been having me and the super squad going on a trip Caroline wanted me to and Lizzie turning off her humanity and Lizzie's cousin. It was a dream but why did it feel so real like I was living it can't forget to mention Jonah the great I can't explain this to her so what do I say that makes sense.

"I just been dreaming a lot." I said gripping my chair

Finally here! things are going for a big twist thank you if you are still sticking around :) If you like this part please vote and comment!

Wanted again:Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie Saltzman story. Where stories live. Discover now