It was blazing hot and the sun was shining right off Hope's face. She looked over to Stefanie who was curled up worrying what would happen if she lost her sunlight ring that Her dad gave her. Aaron was driving in a huge black truck and the girls were locked in the back. Hope scooted next to Stefanie and put her hand on her shoulder for comfort.
"I know saying it will be okay will make anything better but just know if anything happens to your ring I can make you a new one."
Stefanie looks up "how did you know that was what I was worrying about?"
"I can read minds."
Stefanie's eyes widen but then Hope laughs.
"I am just kidding I seen you squeezing your ring very tightly."
"Oh..well thanks for the offer but this one is important my dad gave me this for my 10th birthday he says it's very special now it is because I can die if I don't have it."
Stefanie started to panic again but Hope quickly grabbed ahold of her and hugged her.
"You won't I promise."
The truck stopped and Aaron got out he went to the gate and talked to the guard that was in front. After a minute Aaron come to get Hope and Stefanie Aaron seemed occupied but was still on guard. They went inside were both Hope and Stefanie was Amazed by the beauty of everything. Aaron took them to one of the tallest building they have seen. They took a elevator up to the very top floor. The doors open to this man sitting on a throne ordering around his servants. Once he sees Aaron he gets up throwing his arms up in the air.
"My man it is so nice to see you! Do you have the girl I asked for?" The British voice said quite low
Aaron moved to expose the girls the man smiled really big. He walked around them preserving them up closely. Both of the girls were uncomfortable and Aaron could see he actually wanted to help them in that moment but he knew his job.
"I can't believe you managed to capture the actual tribrid."
"It wasn't a easy task believe it or not she actually has people who care for her."
The man seem shocked then laughed he took the girls right up to his throne and sat down. He nodded to Aaron for him to leave. The man sat down and admired Hope from a distance which she could obviously tell.
I am sorry this is how your trip went but now your safe both of you even though I don't know this brunette little girl. I am Jonah and this is my palace."
The girls look at each other Hope could see that Stefanie was about to cry Hope shakes her head. They look back at Jonah who was still admiring Hope. He snap his fingers at one of the guards. One came over and gently puts his hand on Stefanie to lift her up. She starts panic and pleading but Jonah puts his focus on Hope.
"Don't worry she is just getting escorted to her room I just want a chat just you and me.
"Let her go you son of a b-!" Hope yelled
Jonah stops her and laughs "on my word she speaks I thought you were just gonna be a quiet one but I was wrong but like I said she just going to her room to get cleaned up and rested in she will be fine."
Hope couldn't believe him but she soaked in those words of hoping Stefanie would be fine and she would see her again.
"Fine I will talk to you but I won't give anything away just remember that."
"I wasn't asking you too I just want you to know I am here for you I am your number one fan."
Hope scoffs wishing she could rip apart his neck and drain him for all he's worth.
"You and your little friend will see that I am a kind man who can be gentle you just have to trust me but I can tell you are tired from your trip so I will escort you to your room myself. And you will see this as your forever home in no time."
Hope puts up a smirk "we will see about that." She muttered
Thanks for reading! I am so sorry my life has been very hard and I have been busy I hope you like this chapter if you do please leave a vote and comment! Next part you will see Hope's view if you know what I mean😉

Wanted again:Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie Saltzman story.
أدب الهواةEveryone is happy Josie is with Penelope, Mg and Ethan are buddies in fighting crimes, Caroline is running the school, and Hope and Lizzie are together at last. But something comes across mystic falls something suspicious and dangerous, what does it...