Stefanie and Lizzie's truth

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Stefanie's POV
I got ready to go to Lizzie's and Josie's party brushed my long thin brunette hair which only took a few seconds then put on some light makeup.

"Stefanie hurry we are gonna be late!!" Mom yelled

I rolled my eyes grabbing my things "be right down!" I yelled back

The car ride was ferocious between all of my siblings were bickering, me bickering with my parents about me seeing a boy at the party. Once we got to the boarding school I ran straight inside to the twins.

"Stefanie!!" Both Lizzie and Josie yelled

"My birthday besties plus cousins!!" I squealed back

We all got in for a group hug my siblings ran passed me to go see the witches. The twins and I went to a empty room to chill.

"So how does it feel to be fourteen." I asked cheerfully

Josie was about to say something but then Lizzie interfered "obviously amazing ever since this morning Noah greeted me with chocolate strawberries I would've preferred white chocolate mangos but it's the thought that counts."

My heart sank to what felt like the ground Noah and I has gotten close ever since he saw me alone at a school dance and offered his hand. After chatting for a good minute we went to explore eventually after cake and presents I made my way  to go see my late uncle's journals. I was named after my uncle Stefan my dad told me so many stories about him. I wish I could've met him but it is what it is.

"You seem out of it." A voice whispered behind me

I jump quickly turn around to find Noah with a rose in his hand. I giggle covering my mouth with my hand.

"Don't scare me like that." I said still giggling

Noah made his way to me getting down on one knee handing the rose to me I was confused but still took the rose and smelt it to see if it was real, it was.

"Noah I don't understand what is going on?" I asked

He stands up taking my hand "I love you Stefanie I know Lizzie is probably telling you something different but I am her friend only I want you." He kissed me softly then pulled away

I can't help but smile even though deep down I still feel bad about Lizzie. Half a hour went on with me sitting on Noah's lap complaining about Lizzie and how she treats everyone especially Josie. When the time flew by I got woken up by Lizzie yelling at me saying I am a two-face bitch and all the insults she could throw at me.

"So that is it Noah went behind my back repeating everything I said back to everyone making it sound ten times worse then it did which made me and Lizzie just break apart I miss what we had but nothing I will change my mind on how toxic she is I am sorry Hope."

Hope patted my shoulder lightly "all of this was over a boy?" She asked not sounded to happily about it more confused

I shrug my shoulders wondering my eyes to the sky "and because I see the real Lizzie for who she is."

Thank you for reading!! Now you all the truth behind Stefanie and the twins well Lizzie if you enjoyed this part please leave a comment and a vote :)

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