(Act 3 - Chapter 5) Indian Sea Skirmish

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September 3, 2034 - 0540 Hours - Above Indian Ocean

Quasi watch from the bridge, while his Super-Battlecarrier and her sister ships hover above the ocean. He knows a battle is coming, turning to the Flight Deck as the Stealth Drone Fighters take off.

He ordered them to launch for extensive combat patrols, making sure no one is trying to threaten them. He begins pacing back an forth, awaiting results from the Patrol teams.

Below him, Lucas' R97 Cruiser sails undetected while watching the airborne Fleet. Soon the Ship's alarms sound, tracking multiple units coming at the group. Ranger opens a hologram, showing who are attacking.

She sees the URF Assault Group from the west, then the unified Chinese and Indian Forces. Her eyes widen to the amount of aircraft, which is over 210 in total coming from two angles of attack.

On the Cruiser's rear flight deck, Lucas prepares his suit before hopping into his XSIF-30 VTOL Fighter. As he works on his final touches, Ranger appears on his visor.

Lucas: "What's the issue?" he asks

Ranger (Call): "We have Unified Forces going to attack the Aerial Carrier, they're attacking from the West and Northeast. What's the plan?" she says

Lucas: "Deploy the Huey's, we're going for the attack!" he shouts

He takes off in his Fighter, just as the Allied Forces arrived. Missiles and bullets fly as the Allied Forces attack, while the Corporation responded with their Fighters.

He flies into the battle and activated the cloaking device, hiding as he rushing toward the Aerial Carrier. Once over the Carrier's flight deck, he sets the aircraft to autopilot before jumping out.

Landing on the deck, he sees Corporation Mercenaries run onto the flight deck. Lucas takes out his Carbine, running for cover as they fire at him.

Once they stop to reload, Lucas pops out of cover and fired in burst. Killing the Flight Deck guards, he advance towards the bridge.

In the sky, James and his Strike Force are engaging the Fleet's Drone Fighters. While they also dodge the Aerial Battlecarrier's Anti-Air Fire, who used every missiles and Anti-air guns

He turns to the deck, seeing someone fighting on the Flight Deck. He squints his eyes, seeing an armed man in White Armor with Blue stripes.

James: "I got eyes on a man, he seems to be fighting the crew! Orders?!" *He asks*

URF CMD: "Ignore him, let him do whatever he wants. We just want those Carriers down, focus on that" They ordered

James nods as he banks his SIF/A-45 Interceptors, attacking any Drone Fighters in their way.

In the corridors of the Carrier, Lucas fights the Mercenaries. Shooting those in distance, while bashing a few with the butt of his Carbine that got close.

As he ran out of ammo, he switch to his combat sword and pistol. Using the G17 Pistol in his right hand, he fires at the Mercs.

Some attempt to ambush Lucas, but was cut down by his sword. He continues to push to the Aerial Carrier's reactor, eventually reaching the room.

Once inside the room, he sees the eight cylinders on each side. In the center of the room, a giant ball sat exchanging radioactive energy to power the ship.

He walks up to the console, taking his sword out and stabbing it. He twists the blade in the console, opening it wide enough. Lucas stuffs a Grenade into it, he soon runs out the Reactor room.

The console explodes violently, causing the energy exchange to reach dangerous levels. Soon the energy overload caused a more severe explosion, just as Lucas jumps off the Carrier's deck.

Landing inside his XSIF-30's cockpit as it hovered below, closing the canopy before taking off. The sweep-wing Fighter successful escape the destroyed Carrier, just as the ship crashes into her sister ship.

Both ships soon crashes into the waves, while the Allied Assault Force cheer. The Corporation Fighters and last Aerial Carrier retreat, heading to Kenya for their final stand.

Lucas gives chase along with Ranger, who controls their large R97 Cruiser follows with Huey Helicopters prepped for take off.

In his last Aerial Battlecarrier, Quasi slams his fist on the War table. His anger fuming from what happened, he soon calms down after taking deep breaths.

Quasi: "What's our situation now?" He asks.

His Field Officer salutes to him, before opening the holographic map.

Officer: "The Coalition is preparing to invade Kenya, since we're down to a single Aerial Carrier. But we also found a large Cruiser, who has deployed Helicopters towards Kenya." He says

Quasi paces as he thinks, turning as an idea comes to him. Tapping the map, he opens a tab that bolds 'Engage' on it. He presses the red button, activating the Aerial Carrier's Vertical Slios.

In his XSIF-30 Variable-wing Fighter, Lucas sits in patience. His eyes closed as he meets is mother, hoping to get more advice.

In the darkness, Lucas walks through the empty world. Soon the darkness disappears as a grassland appears, with a blue sky blanking the land.

He turns as a woman appears behind him, they stand in front of each other. Before Lucas sighs as her barefeet touches the ground, he steps up to her.

Lucas: "Mother?"

Monique: "Have any question?" She asks

Lucas: "I want to know what I do what I did to my Brother, why he attempted to assassinate me." He says

Monique begin to circle Lucas, placing a hand on her son's shoulder. She then stops and looks into his visor, frowning at it as she stares.

Monique: "You're his biggest threat on his power, your leadership shows his weakness. What your father and Ici did, made you who you are. A stronger sibling" She says

Lucas: "Last question, Mother, is Kia endangered?" He asks

Monique smiles as she shakes her head, calming Lucas before a beeping sound came.

Lucas reopens his eyes, turning to his dashboard. His missile alert is going ballistic, he then turns to see several missiles coming towards him.

He banks his Fighter, avoiding some of the missiles. With two turning towards him, just as Lucas dips his Fighter.

He pulls up before nearly crashing into the ocean, with one of the missiles crashing into the waves. The other missile was able to avoid crashing into the water, returning to chasing Lucas.

Lucas sees the missile going after him, turning in various directions. Trying to escape the coming missile, Lucas then fires flares before banking upward.

An explosion erupts behind him, flying towards the sky. He leans back and exhales, he then turns back to the Cruiser.

As he approaches the Large Cruiser, he sees the Warship turning away from Kenya. He contacts Ranger as she appears on his mini-holoprojector, she stands in attention.

Lucas: "Status Report" He orders

Ranger: "Area is too hot for our Androids to land, we're also receiving a ton of alerts from the Coalition. Casualties too high" She responds

Lucas groans in frustration as he lands his VTOL Fighter, touching down with a screech from the brakes.

He hops off as he looks to the sky, seeing the Aerial Battlecarrier enter Kenya. Disappearing over the horizon, Lucas sighs as he enters the ship.

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