➖1{ first time }➖

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*Sigh*another day of slowly dying my mental health is already fucking ashes now my physical health? Those "young responsible adults" are not fucking helping the kids



Well at least I got lia my best friend

"Hey lia"

»»---->new character unlocked <----««

Lia mokusei

Hair color :black

Eye color :brown

Some info
Has daddy issues

»»---->end of info<----««

"How was your guys sleep?"

Ahh her gbf

»»---->new character unlocked <----««

Ari akira

Hair color : black

Eye color : dark reddish brown

Some info
Mommy & daddy issues
& sister issues

»»---->end of info<----««

"It was good!" Lia said with the most innocent face ever

"... Good" ari said with her normal bored expression

Ari was the kinda smart one in this trio she can use other people or in easy words manipulation

Lia was the funny one in this trio and also the cutest one Lia always hugs Ari whenever there's a thunder storm or loud noises

And me.. The weird ass introvert I mean this trio is full of introvert's. People or classmates thought that we were weird as fuck lol I kinda like this

Ari was the most feared female student in her old school now she's keeping it a secret.

Lia was the first one to beat up a older student in her old school but now she's keeping it a secret

Me I was the first one to argue with 10 people and still win in my old school but now I am keeping it a secret

We were that trio hold on I think it's called
Gaslight, gate keep, girl boss lol

Back to reality

"So what's our next subject?" Lia said with her smile still on her face

".. Arts after that epp, ICT, Filipino I forgot the rest" Ari said with a bored tone

"Esp and p.e"
I said

"Ari remember the practice to you know cheat for us?" Lia mumbled the last sentence

"Yea I remember"
Ari said quietly

*:..。o○time skip○o。..:*

"I can't believe no one caught us cheating for the 3rd time!" Lia said but quietly

"Yea I know nom" I said while eating my burger

Ari just say there and said nothing but eating her sweet/sour apple she said she likes it that way I mean that's her body we can't control it

"Thanks Ari!" I said with a happy tone

"Welcome darling" Ari was kinda flirty

"Stop with the Nick names-" I said.

"Okay but anyways did you guys you know have a new victim?"she said quietly so no one in the cafeteria heard us

We nodded.

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