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(strong language )

『••y/n's pov••』

"n-no this can't be r-real" i said while looking at a dead body with pure shock and sadness while backing up a bit

"m-midori.." i said

"i am sorry for your lost ma'am" a police officer said

midori's body was in a white plastic bag and zipping it up so i couldn't see her face
i saw her fucking killer and rapist handcuffed,

midori was only 13 years old and now shes dead

i was surprised and sad that a sudden death appeard right now

i thought the curse was done.

i woke up with pure sweat

"fucking bitch. out of all the memories this is the one you choose" i mumbled under my breath

i looked at the time-

"HOLY SHIT ITS 6:00 AM I HAVE SCHOOL IN 30 MINUTES" i said with pure panic

"oh wait its saturday." i realized and then went back to sle-

"I GOT A BITCH TO KILL" i said kinda loud so the neighbors didn't heard me

『••time skip••』
『••no one's pov••』
"aight thats all for to da-" i was cut off by a notification

"ahh dip shit"

unknown:i need you to kill yuri akazi


this is the whore you have to killgot it?

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this is the whore you have to kill
got it?

got it very clearly

you have to steal her spot as an oiran
and then kill this bitch

very clear


end of convention

GIVE ME A BREAK I HAVE TO BE AN OIRAN which is easy considering that many people said i should be an oiran

but also isn't that a fucking student??
ehh talk shit, get hit i guess

i looked like a mess-

『••red light district••』

i was already a former oiran because of force and i already know the rules

"wow! your a fast learner aren't you!" the lady said

"stay here i am going to get something, you girls better command what lady l/n says" the two girls nodded and looked at me

ghost assassin {Kny X Assassin Y/n}Where stories live. Discover now