➖{hang out}➖

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『••y/n's pov••』

"Ahh y/n-san we should do this more often! hanging out like friends do!" kyojuro basically ripped my ear drums

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"Ahh y/n-san we should do this more often! hanging out like friends do!" kyojuro basically ripped my ear drums

"yea we should." i said very calm

he was wearing a sweater that is the color brown and a scarf that is red and his pants looked very comfortable and to top it all of with a puffy Jacket

while i was wearing  a matching scarf as kyojuro's and a white sweater and black
jeans and with a green kinda over sized  jacket that once belongs to my brother but gave it to me

kyojuro forgot his Wallet at home luckily i have my bag

and he spend the shit out of it luckily i get paid 20,000 yen

we were chatting until i heard

"Hey kyojuro-san!"i saw a man with white hair and maroon eyes

i changed y/n's height to 6'0 to 5'5 btw

" ah uzui-san! long time no see old friend!"kyojuro said with a smile i immediately recognized the name

━━━━━━༺༻ ━━━━━━
tegen uzui
age: 20(i younger him up)
address :xxxxxxx
birthday: October 31st
height: 6'6
weight : 209 lb
━━━━━━༺༻ ━━━━━━


"yea? "

"meet my friend uzui-san!"

kyojuro said with a smile

i waved at uzui he looked awfully f- HE IS THE GUY THAT SLAPPED AOI'S ASS LAST YEAR

"i remember you" i said with a fake smile

"huh what do you me- oh shit" he said remembering that time

『••flash back••』

"y/n-san help us!!!" kiyo said with panic

"WAHHHHHH"naho cried out

(if you are wondering what's going on you are friends with kanae san and shinobu san and you are babysitting the house hold kinda)

i ran into the gate and tried to help kanao who was the shy girl

"please stop!" aoi-san said

"SHE ISN'T EVEN A FIGHTER THAT'S A LITERAL 8 YEAR OLD" i said with anger in my voice

"hmm then i don't need her then" THAT WAS FUCKING OBVIOUS

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