➖{accidentally meeting up}➖

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『••ari's pov••』

i was in the hospital with ny sister visiting our dad

"dad ano flower na gusto mo?"
(dad what flower do you want?)

he laughed and pointed at the pink lily

"ari, ki, pwede mag promise kayo?"
(ari, ki, can you make a promise?)


"ari, focus ka pag aaral mo and save many people and ki save many people you both are very strong kids.." we heard a beep and ki immediately called for the nurses and tried to make him live but

it's too late

『••y/n's pov••』

ari came home Almost in tears

"hey!? something alright!?" i said while she crashed down into the floor lia came out of her room too

she crawled and made herself stand up and got to her room and locked the door

"what happened??" lia said, i shrugged

"she came home just like that" i said..

we can hear loud crying

"we should.. buy her something that kinda reminds her of her family. come on, I'll make food while you go shop" lia said

i nodded

and headed out and putted on my casual outfit

and headed out and putted on my casual outfit

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i was shopping for things for her, and i bumped into Kyojuro

"ah! y/n its so good to see you! hmm why do you look like you're on a hurry?" Kyojuro said, and then looked at my bug filled with knitting supplies and cleaning supplies and cooking supplies

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"ah! y/n its so good to see you! hmm why do you look like you're on a hurry?" Kyojuro said, and then looked at my bug filled with knitting supplies and cleaning supplies and cooking supplies

"oh! hi kyojuro! its good to see you! also i am not in a hurry!" i said was a total lie but i acted like nothing has happened on my apartment

"hmm? you sure? also are these for your sister? or they are just for fun?" he asked

"yes these are for my sister! she had a rough day so i decided to go shopping with her favorite thing's!"i said while a smile

he smiled at me and we continued to talk, but then there was  a buzz in my pocket

" hold on kyojuro" he nodded


we both were quiet

"well that's my cue see ya kyojuro!" i said while waving at him


"BITCH WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!?" lia daid with anger
"sorry i got lost"

we gave her somethings to make her feel better but we were curious about what happened

"so. what happened?" lia asked

"nothing." ari said

"bitch we have been best friend for over 10 years, we can read you like a fucking book"
i said and lia nodded, ari stayed quiet

"i think its a family business, she never told us about her family" lia said

"ohh, OH YEA SHE ONLY MENTIONED HER SISTER" i said "so did you guys had a fight?" i added

"no" she mumbled while sniffing and holding her sister plushie that i made

they looked a like but her sister had short hair

"i think we shouldn't push her" lia said and i nodded "we should leave her alone, you know? she has a hard time processing everything" lia added and we both walked off

she began to process everything

『••time skip••』

i was walking in her favorite café and i bumped into tanjiro

"Ah! y/n-san! it's nice to meet you again!" he said

"ah tanjiro-san what a surprise!" we began to talk and we ended it because i have a mission to do

i was at a festival where my target is, i was looking around the crowd and saw her

"bingo." i shot her in the ear and it landed threw her brain, luckily no one is next to her

her other ear began to lose blood like its a blood water fall

everyone gasp and every parent covered their children's eyes and some people started to call the police

of course i had to escape

i began to run away from the scene, every step i began to run faster and faster, i eventually i got into a near by clothing store without metal detectors

i began to change and hide my gun

i ran home and slammed the door and saw ari in front of the door

"hey *huff* where *huff* are you g*huff*oing" i said

"... joining the demon slayer corp" ari said and walked off, 'demon slayer corp?' the corp peaked my interest

"you planning on joining it too? i am in" lia said

"wait.. aren't demon slayer corp meant to be saving lives? we fucking kill people" i said

"hmm? we are in no one's side we have our own side remember?" she said, i quickly realized that we are in no one's side because we don't trust anyone expect each other

"shit.. well i am in!" i said

"we have to wait for ari, she said she'll be back in a week"

"bitch 7 days!?!" i said while covering my mouth


"damn- lets study about the corp" i said

we then got our laptops and researched for 7 days

she then slammed the door while all bruised up

"i am back" she said while passing out

『••time skip••』

we eventually become apart of the demon slayer corp "we this is going to be shit while we have an assassin job-" i said while nervousness

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -
➤kyojuro was happy that y/n joined the corp
➤y/n was kinda nervous because she has to be sleepless for 30 days
➤lia is so excited
➤ari warned them that this is a serious job
➤kyojuro wants to introduced y/n to his friends
➥and that's becoming soon to be true

i have a test next week so hahaha AUGHHHH-

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