❃.✮:▹chapter 12;lowermoon1◃:✮.❃

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i little informationif the title decor is this❃

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i little information
if the title decor is this
❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃
danger zone isn't detected
but if this is the title decor
*:..。o○ ○o。..:*
hahah danger zone will be detected

.... yes,
i was stuck on his lap-💀
tanji had a jealous aura, so as zenitsu, i ignored them and kyojuro continued to say umai
ari and lia were behind tanjiro, i can sense they are taking a nap. i wanted to take a nap since we were sleepless for 30 days
i took a nap with them since we can communicate while asleep (we can telepathically talk while sleeping, eye contact, etc)

"yo, wassup" ari said while we were at a dark void with just a floor

"hi!" i said

"so how was your talk with Kyojuro? " lia said to me

"well.... he didn't talk to me, he just requested that i should sit on his lap since tanjiro kamado is across us aka behind you guys and he has a box that protects his demon sister"i said

ari looked at me when i mentioned that i SAT on his lap

" wha-"ari looked dead af after she heard i sat on his lap

"okay!" lia said with her cheerful smile

then the floor started to crack we didn't noticed and started a conversation

"so yeah that's how i r-" ari was cut off by falling

"ARI! " lia said and fell
i fell too

░ari's pov░
i fell into a pile of snow
i was in my home town, kazaha
"hey! ari what are you doing?? you are going to get a cold!" my sister ki said

..... wait this doesn't feel right.. she looks

14 but she's 25....

░lia's pov░
i dropped into my childhood bed

'what the?'i thought 'i had this bed for 3-5 years... wait'i looked around and saw my childhood house



what's happening?

wasn't i in a mission a second ago?


i began to panic and opened the door and saw my mom and dad no fighting?

what's going On?

i have a bad feeling about this tho...

░y/n's pov░

i feel into my old house that i had since 5-6 years old

i looked around and i was surprised that my parents weren't screaming at each other's dumb asses

they looked at me and smiled

"ahh you're awake! you're just time!"
my mom said in the kitchen

i kept quiet and looked at my hands, they looked like

4 year's old me

what the fuck????

"what year is it? i forgot"
"silly its 2002!"
. . . .
isn't it 2021?. . . .

░third persons pov░

this is a dream!
the girl trio thought

ari stand up and ran
"hey! where are you going!?" her sister yelled "come back here!!" her sister yelled and ran towards to her
but unfortunately she lost her
once ari was alone she found a sharp rock
"this will do" she said and stabbed her brain blood was on the snow and she collapsed

lia was in shock that she froze
"hey, you look pale have you seen a ghost?" her mother said (lia was in her demon slayer uniform still) "... yes i have" she then stabbed her mother then her father to death, pool of blood was covering the peach skin colored carpet, now one more final piece, she sliced her neck deep.

y/n was in shock but she was in control still, her mind finally worked and she has gon back to her room remembering that she had a..

sharp hidden katana
she took it underneath her bed and pointed at her head and...

sliced it

her "parents" came and looked shock

they all woke up and saw 3 boys tied their wrists on their wrist and woke up aswell

they looked at the girl trio, they had a shock look

"what?" each of them said to the boys

❖timeskip for just a minute❖

"so.. we tried breaking your guys spiritual core." one if them said, they explained everything

"don't worry! we can help you for your happy dreams!" lia and y/n said

ari just rolled her eyes and looked at ren

"you didn't have to do this you know.." she said with a smile

he looked guilty

"but don't worry we will help you boys.. now lead us to the dem- never mind its on the roof top" ari said

"okay you guys rest of a bit.. we will handle everything!" lia said

they went to the rooftop and met

loowermoon 1

➤the boys names are ren/ari's
➤tanjiro woke up 3 minutes laterr

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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