➖2{blood pop}➖

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Lia's pov

'How unfortunate that they're going to die in my hands~'

"I wonder if they are going to plead me"

I slam the door open and slash one of their heads off

"Mmm how unfortunate~to close to me is bad luck! You know?"

(Red lily spiders means of death and bad luck)

One of them almost shot me but I caught it on my bear hands

"That won't work~"

I ran towards them with a speed of the wind when it's like about to rain

(In my country/city when it's about to rain our wind is getting stronger and faster each time)

"Oh how unfortunate~did I already said that?" I said, one of them pointed a gun at me with my luck I ran towards them and get the gun, after that I shot them in the head, blood came out of their head surely they won't survive, surviving after getting shot in the head is rare so I doubt that they will survive

"Hmm I'll have to deal with the 5 of you now~"

I ran towards to one of them and aimed for their comea/eyes and opened their head I can see their half headed brain. My poor eyes

One of them charged at me and tried to stab me but I caught it on time and punched them and sliced their legs off

Two of them tried to escape but I blocked the entrance by

Cutting their neck off of their heads..

"Escaping is very useless and a death wish"

I looked at the last three

The one with no legs hmm they will probably die of blood lost. I stepped on them so more blood comes out making sure they are dead

"Hmm now you two I'll make sure your death be painless since you two have been good" I ran towards them and got my needles and stabbed their neck they tried to scream but they eventually past out

"Now the disgusting part"

I sliced every part of their body and died of blood lost

"I have to make sure he is dead"

I looked at the man with no legs so I sliced him in the head.

"Hmm now I have to wash my mess."

Ari's pov

'I have my knife *sigh*another one has to be dead how fortunate of me having only 2 victims but how unfortunate to them'

I went threw the window and attacked one of them and I stabbed one of them with my needle I putted my palm around her mouth

"Try to scream, kick, bite or something to me it'll be useless" I said to her ripping her hope apart and the other one I put my leg on her mouth

I giggled how can she walk while her legs are gutted off? And they should've just kept the doors unlocked but how unfortunate they locked it

Eventually the girl pasted out because of the drug now for the girl in one of my legs I stabbed her in the head and eventually more blood spat on my forehead. Well I think I am not that lucky..

Now with the sleeping girl let's say I poked her in different places her thighs. Her head. Her arm. Her fingers. everywhere
Hmm now I have to escape. Do you think I am dumb? I will escape threw the window again

Y/n's pov

'Damn it universe why me???? With 10 victims??????? The fuck!??'i turned my knife into a whip 'hmp I still don't believe ari because she said to Lia *you have the coolest weapon*like I can turn my knife into a whip!'I ran towards to the door with my victims I have my hoe at my back so I can lock the door

'Damn it universe why me???? With 10 victims??????? The fuck!??'i turned my knife into a whip 'hmp I still don't believe ari because she said to Lia *you have the coolest weapon*like I can turn my knife into a whip!'I ran towards to the door with ...

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(Your main weapon)

(Your hoe that can hide their sharp it's hidden for now)

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(Your hoe that can hide their sharp it's hidden for now)

I opened the door and attacked four of them

I got my hoe on my hands and locked the door with it

"Try escaping it's fucking useless"

I attacked 2 of them or in easy words I stabbed 2 of them in the head and neck

And four of them ehhh I cut their heads

"6 down 4 to go!"I said with a happy tone

One of them pointed a gun at me and shot but it went threw me.

(Y/n ran forward for a second to let the bullet out of her spot and got back to her original spot)

" h-how?!"one of them pointed his finger at me in disbelief

I cut his body apart obviously and then there's 3

Cut one of their arms legs and head off.


Poisoned one of them and eventually she couldn't breathe because of the poison.


I cut his head off.

Once it was done i stomped in the rug with one foot and then everyone turned Into dust..

I cough and get my hoe and left and disappeared in thin air

"WHAT HAPPENED HERE!?" One of the people screamed and got everyone's attention well the bodies turned into ashes but the blood it still there but more dry

"Omg what the fuck happened?"

"How could this happen?"

"I am going to call the police!"
One of them shouted and quickly called the police

*:..。o○time skip○o。..:*
Y/n's pov

I just showered so as the rest of the trio
I opened the tv and there it is 25 deaths in different places

"The police can't identify who was the murder! The police said that this could be a group of murders! Ten! at a private room at a party ball and the victims got turned into dust! 'mine'and one in a Japanese house one victim got poked every with a knife!and one with lost legs and got stabbed in the head! (Ari's) and ten more at a motel! What could this all mean? Stay safe everyone!"

I sat there bored out of my mind 'should I buy some chocolates in the near by bakery?' I got up and went to my room to get my wallet 'why not? I am hungry and tired because of last night's

1034 words my friend she's a girl and I don't think she'll be comfy saying her name wants to help! Now it's 10:58 pm I am tired of typing also I am sorry for the bad grammar my first language was Filipino not english

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