I - Friendship

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"the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends."

*1 Year Prior*

Roux's POV

Friday 1978, 6:15 a.m.

I had just woken up about 15 minutes ago. I heard my parents arguing... Again. I would always ignore them by putting on my headphones and listening to music. Just my luck, I couldn't find them and Liam had already left for work. I quickly got dressed and saw I accidentally left them on the kitchen table. Where my parents were arguing. I slightly sighed and walked in as quickly and quitely as I could. I made it over to the table, grabbed them, and made a dash for the door, trying to get out before either of them said anything. I began walking to the Yamada household. It was a beautiful day out, it was the beginning of autumn, the leaves turning different shades of green, brown and red. I plugged my headphones into my walkman and began listening to music.

6:24 a.m.

I had finally made it to the Yamada household. They had a beautiful house, the walls being a cream color while the roof being a shade of brown that just fit perfectly. I knocked onto the door and waited about 10 seconds before Bruce's younger sister, Amy, opened the door. "Good morning Roux!" The younger Yamada sibling gushed as she opened the door seeing her brothers best friend. " Good morning to you too Amy, is your brother up yet?" I asked, knowing that if he wasn't I'd have to leave and start walking by myself to not be late. "Yep. One second." She closed the door, leaving it partly open and I heard her small feet run around the house looking for her brother. I waited another 2 minutes before Bruce walked out the door. "Ready to go?" The brunette asked the ginger. "Always."

7 a.m.

We had finally made it to school and I watched as kids began grouping around two other kids. Me and Bruce looked at each other with looks of confusion written across our faces. We started walking through the group and hearing kids around us chant fight. We had finally made it to the middle when we finally saw who was fighting. It was Moose and Vance. Vance was repeatedly punching him. There was blood everywhere, Moose's face, Vance's knuckles (which I knew i'd have to help him clean up afterwards), the concrete, both of their shirts and a couple of students. I soon realized Moose wasn't moving, he was limp in Vance's fist, which was tightly wrapped around his shirt holding him up to get a better angle and more damage. I quickly walked over to Vance and grabbed his arm slightly, "Vance come on the kid's not moving." I said feeling slightly sorry for the kid, you could breathe at Vance wrong and he would do this, it was honestly irritating, but knowing why Vance was like this I kinda understood. Vance looked at me with an annoyed look on his face, " The "kid" deserves it" Vance spat back at me with such rage and hatred in his voice I looked at him with a slightly shocked face. "Vance Hopper let him go." He reluctantly let his shirt go, the kids head falling to the ground with a thump. I grabbed onto Bruce and Vance's arms and walked them into the school. I quickly told Bruce I would see him in math class and walked away with Vance.

7:20 a.m.

I had finally gotten all of the blood off of Vance's knuckles, wrapping them up with some gauze and bandages. "You're all good to go there Blondie." He rolled his eyes at the nickname I had given him not so long ago. "Must you call me that?" He asked irritated. I just slyly smirked at him, pecked his knuckles and walked out and headed to class.

12:27 p.m.

It was now lunchtime and I walked in looking for my two favorite underclassmen. Robin and Finney.

You see Finney was a shy kid he always had been, he liked science, space and baseball, while Robin was completely different from him.

He liked horror movies, fighting and most importantly Finney, he adored the boy. The two were inseparable.

I meet the two boys one night when I was babysitting Finney's younger sister, Gwen, or as she likes to be called "Gwenny". Robin had came over to hangout with Finn since his dad wasn't home. Gwenny had introduced me to the two boys and I instantly liked them, they were like the younger siblings I never had. They meant the world to me. I don't know what I'd do without either of them.

I grabbed my food and walked over to the table were Finney, Robin and Gwenny sat. We all began talking, laughing just having fun. That was until Moose walked in. He was the biggest asshole you could ever meet. He thought he was superior. I knew Finney was scared of the boy, he could hardly hold up his own. Gwen was the fighter of the Blake siblings. No one touched them for one you'd have to deal with Robin, a.k.a the second toughest guy at school (right after Vance), or me. And if I got hurt that would mean you'd have to deal with Vance, which no one, and I mean it when I say that, no one wanted to fuck with Vance.

Shortly after glares were shared between the two groups Vance and Bruce walked over, poor Finney was still terrified of Vance, I had reassured him multiple times Vance was harmless, well for the most part. He didn't care though so I gave up and let the kid be scared of him.

Bruce spoke up after noticing the awkward silence, I mentally thanked him. "So how about we hang out after school?" He looked around with a some what nervous look on his face, it was honestly adorable, of course I said "Yeah where do you want to hang out? The quarry?" I looked around at the table and everyone's face lit up, even Vance's which was surprising but I shook it off. "Alright let's meet up at around 3:30." Everyone nodded and we finished lunch and went on with our day.

Word count : 1036

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