III - Admirer

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Friday 1978, 3:45 p.m.

Roux's POV

I had finally gotten out of the house, of course sneaking through my window but it's fine. I started walking to the quarry, it was in the woods, me and Bruce had found it one day when we were just walking around and now it's become or safe space, a place where we could all forget about things that stressed us out.

Baseball, tests, school, parents, home... crushes.

I had also found a tree near by. It had beautiful flowers hanging down from the top of it I had built a swing coming off of one of the larger, more sturdier branches. I would go there to read or write in my journal sometimes. Or just to listen to music and get away. Away from my dad. Away from my mom. Away from everything and everyone. It was mine and I loved it.

I finally made it to the quarry and saw everyone already there. I smiled and waved at them as I walked over and started to take my shirt and shorts off I could feel a pair of eyes on me. I just brushed it off as paranoia and walked over the the edge and walked in. It wasn't too hot nor too cold, it was perfect, just like this moment.

Vance's POV

God. She was perfect. In every way. Her red hair. Her icy blue eyes that anyone could get lost in. She had light freckles that you would only notice if you paid close attention. She began undressing and I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. I tried but I couldn't. I was in love with Roux. I would never admit it but I knew. It would totally ruin my reputation though. She was more important than your reputation. I could hear my mom talking to me. She was right but it didn't matter. There was no way she would like me. The kid with anger issues who hated everyone. Except her.

3rd Person POV

The group of kids all hung out laughing, giggling, pushing each other into the water. It was beautiful. All of a sudden Roux froze, ran over to her watch and saw the time. 6:30. Her and her best friends Zoya & Donna planned on going to the drive in tonight. The movie started at 7:30, they were going to picking Roux up at 7:00. She looked at the group with a sympathetic look and told them what was going on. "Oh and one more thing, Gwen." Gwen looked over slightly confused. "Yeah?" "I'll be over on sunday to babysit, your dad asked me to." Gwen had a big smile on her face. She loved hanging out with Roux. It was like the older sister she never had "Okay, have fun Roux." Roux smiled at the group and walked off to her house to begin getting ready.

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