II - Loss

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Friday 1978, 3:15 p.m.

Roux's POV

I had just arrived home and noticed that Liam was home, but so were my parents. I quickly greeted them with a small hi and a wave before being told to come into the living room. I mentally sighed but obliged, it was my dad after all I had to listen to him.

I walked into the living room and noticed beer cans all over the floor and coffee table. I looked over at Liam and he just gave me a sorry look.

You see Liam would be moving out soon he was pretty smart so he skipped a grade and was leaving once he got enough money.

So I would be left here with my alcoholic of a dad and my shit worthy of a mother. My dad looked up at me with a scowl and said "Clean this shit up, I want it done before I get back" he then proceeded to leave and head to, I'm guessing, the Grab N' Go to buy more beers. I quickly started picking everything up and throwing it away. I finally finished after 5 minutes and was about to run to my room when Liam grabbed my arm. "Berry, I gotta tell you something."

Berry was a nickname Liam had come up with when we were kids, I always loved strawberries and given my red hair it fit perfectly. But I started to notice he only said the nickname when something serious came up.

I looked at him with confusion written on my face "Yeah?" I replied back, I was scared for what he was going to say next. He looked at me with such sadness it was hard to look at him. "I have it." I was confused. He has it? What does he have? Then it clicked. The money. He could leave. I was stuck here. By myself. I wouldn't be able to see him for another year at least. I looked at him with tears in my eyes "Already?" I knew it was selfish to think like that but I didn't want him to leave, dad was less... abusive when he was around and now he would be gone for god knows how long and I'd be stuck here. In this hell hole of a house.

"I'm sorry berry. You know if I could take you I would. I'm always just a call away remember that. Always." I nodded and hugged him. My arms wrapped along his larger waist. I looked up at him and smiled slightly. "I'll be leaving I'm headed to the quarry with some friends I should go before dad gets back." He loosened the grip he had on me and smiled "Alright have fun, and call me every weekend." "You got it" I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ran to my run finally getting ready to hangout with my friends.

Word Count : 486

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