chapter 10: Perhaps we Amputate?

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"Howdy. M' name's Marcus, this is my companion Nabe. Could we get a room for the night?" Marcus says, a charming smile brightening up the day. His straight white teeth and kind eyes contradicted his hard and rugged armor. His brown hair slicked back in rivers of milk chocolate that poofed up on the top of his head. His face was slim and handsome as many young men in E-Rantel. However, as kind and innocently handsome as his face seemed, his eyes carried a cool deadliness that the innkeeper noted.

"It'll cost you five bronze each; meals will be another five," She said slowly, cleaning the glass in her hands.

" One room for two, please. Meals later, thank you," he says, sweet as molasses; crossing his arms on the table, he leans on it as he half sits on the barstool. His doing so loosened the chain around his neck, exposing a metal trinket.

"You're a copper plate, huh..." she says, noticing the strip of metal around his neck, those overhearing snickering a little "I'm afraid my establishme-"

"-We just registered today, ma'am." Marcus interrupted, "Please forgive the low rankings. Where we come from, adventurers are quite the foreign concept. Plate system is new to us." he seemed honest enough; as peeved as she was for being interrupted, he's been nothing, but pleasant and hasn't tried flirting with her yet. She can't afford copper plates coming to her inn, she has standards, but she'll throw this man a bone.

"S'ppose that's fair," she says "still, I have a business to run. Irons pay standard; coppers pay seven."

Marcus simply gave a close-eyed smile and dropped the seven copper bent-up coins on the wood table. "Here you are then," he says kindly.

"Second floor on the right." She says, taking the money with a smirk.

"Thank you, ma'am!" he responds, taking his helmet from his companion and putting it on his head, reforming his mysterious and dangerous visage. The red optical lenses make the innkeeper slightly uncomfortable, but he was walking away, so it didn't bother her too badly.

Marcus turned towards the stairwell Nabe in toe. His interactions with the native population are going well so far. Ultron learning a lot through the eyes of his custom Android. It seems the humanization went off without a hitch, and he would consider this field test a complete success. Add to that, that Naberal Gamma had yet to butcher anyone for the slightest side-eyed glance, and so far, it's smooth sailing.


'Just had to jinx it, huh?' Marcus thinks to himself as he pauses his stride. A bald man in leather and fur armor crossed his feet in front of him in an attempt to trip him... "Illogical creatures," Marcus mutters as he steps around the man, his boot bumping his foot slightly.

"Hey! Hey, man! That hurt! What will you do to compensate me?" he demands, standing before the desert ranger. His urge to chuckle is rising. 'Is this dude seriously trying to life insurance fraud me?? He's like that cat trying to get stepped on in those old ass memes'.

"Compensate you?" the android asks in mannered confusion.

"Yeah! For. My. Injury!" he yells, poking Marcus' armored chest to emphasize his words. Suddenly, his face loses all its edge as his eyes wander to Nabe's face. Marcus notes the look in his eyes, and it enrages him. "Say... That lady you got with you would work. Just one night and I'd call us eve- ACK!" abruptly, his throat is clasped by Marcus' raising the man off his feet, holding him in the air with no effort.

"If it hurts so badly..." the ranger says, his voice cold and deadly "... Then perhaps we should Amputate?" reaching into his duster, the Android Ranger pulls out a large bowie knife the length of the man's forearm. Serrated for cleaving meat. The thug's eyes bulged from his head.

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