Chapter 13: Big Iron On His Hip!

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Art above is mine!

Amid an untamed wilderness, a small camp materializes into the scenery. The glowing fire giving away a camp being there. The Swords of Darkness sit on their log seats, their faces etched with exhaustion and their bodies yearning for respite; they find solace in their humble haven. The campsite is sparse, the wagon set aside while the beast that pulls it grazes on a line by a tree. Small tents and sleeping bags circle a crackling fire flickering at its center, casting a dim, comforting light that seems to beckon the group closer.

As fatigue settles in their bones, the aroma of simmering meat and potato stew drifts through the air, capturing their attention. The scent is like an elixir, cutting through the weariness and rekindling the fading embers of their spirits. The stew, hot and hearty, promises to fill their stomachs for a long night's rest. Marcus sits on the ground, leaning against a tree tuning his Banjo, another instrument leaning against the same tree. The changes in tune filled the air with a calming melody. Nabe sitting on a nearby log, observing her master and the rest of the campsite.

The cauldron hanging above the fire seems to groan under the weight of the hearty stew. Soon Peter calls the group to gather around, pouring bowls with the savory contents within the pot. Chunks of tender meat mingle with chunks of potatoes, their intermingling scents filling the campsite, making most of the inhabitant's mouths water. Most of the group moved to gather around the fire to eat and keep company with their friends. Marcus wanders over, Nabe in tow, toting a guitar.

"Here you are, Sir. Marcus," Ninya says, handing the Ranger a steaming bowl and spoon. Going back and filling another bowl and giving it to his companion. "And here you are, Nabe."

"Thanks, little brother," Marcus says, rubbing the small brunette's head; Nabe nods with the bowl in her hands. Sitting down on the dusty dirt floor, Marcus crosses his legs slightly to get more comfortable while Nabe sits on her knees elegantly. Their opposing sitting styles made Lukrut wonder how such an elegant beauty ended up with such a rugged man.

As the group settled down and started tearing bread to share. Marcus strips his helmet and looks down into the bowl. 'It can't be worse than Hospital food...' Marcus thinks as he lifts the bowl to his lips and drinks the broth. Testing his Android's capacity for discerning taste. "Hmmmnnn~ It's been so long..." Marcus mumbles, keeping the elixer on his artificial tongue. Letting the salts and herbs melt in his mouth before swallowing, warming his core.

'Tastes like something mom would make...' Marcus thinks, taking some of the meat into his mouth and letting it melt in his mouth, then pausing, '...when she came to visit...' Marcus' face scrunches, bitter at the memory. He puts his bowl down to process the sudden upencoming memory. Nabe, who had begun eating after seeing her master eat, paused when he did. "Is there something wrong, Marcus?" she asks her 'lover' in legitimate concern.

Marcus' eyes met hers, the saddened look in his eye sent her on high alert, and Marcus' mannerisms didn't just concern Nabe, however, "There something wrong, Sir. Marcus?" Peter asks the man whose near thousand-yard stare caused him some concern. The Android in question focused on the group looking at him, making him self-conscious.

"I'm fine."

"You sure? Is there something wrong with the stew?" Ninya questions looking into their own for anything weird. As they made it themself, they felt somewhat offended and concerned.

"Nah, nah... Magnifique. It just reminded me of ma mère. My mom. Sour subject." Marcus says, switching from French to English, looking at them with a look that says, 'I do not wanna talk about it, thank you,'

"We understand," Peter reassures, then pauses "... Well, we don't understand, understand, but we get you; we won't pry into your business."

Marcus chuckles, "Why thank you, brother," he says, taking more of the delicious broth and meat in his mouth, savoring its hearty goodness. Nabe continues the same, keeping a concerned eye on her Lord till he looks up at the group again. "Oh! Now I hope ya'll don't mind but color me curious, where did ya'll get your name? Swords of Darkness?"

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