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Haley's pov

I wake up and go to the kitchen because I smell something good.

Klaus says"your awake.

Haley says"what is all this?

Klaus says"I got if for you. I wasn't sure what you liked so I got everything,

Haley says"thank you.

Klaus says"yeah it's a thank you for believing In me and trusting me.

Haley says"your welcome.

I start eating when all of a sudden I feel the morning sickness.

Haley says"I'm gonna be sick.

I run to the bathroom and start throwing up and I'm about to move my hair out of My face when someone holds My hair for me.

I'm all done and I wipe my mouth and turn around to see klaus.

Haley says"thank you.

Klaus says"your welcome. Are you ok?

Haley says"yeah, just morning sickness.

I hear the front door open and I grab my stomach which gets bigger Every day and get up.

I walk to the door and see Rebekah.

Haley says"you're back.

Klaus sayS"I have some business to attend to but I'll be back.

I Nod my head.

A little while later Rebekah leaves and I realize klaus has been gone for
Awhile and hadn't come back or contacted me and I have a bad feeling.

I grab my things and then grab a knife and I prick my finger and bleed on the map and do a locator spell.

I find him and he's in the French quarter.

I leave to go find him.

When I get there I hear yelling and run towards it.

I see klaus chained up and then I see Rebekah and marcel.

Haley says"Rebekah what's going on?

Rebekah vamps over and grabs me.

Everyone starts beating up Klaus.

Haley says"let me go.

Rebekah says"I didn't want you to see this.

Haley says"so what's your plan?

Rebekah says"we're gonna keep him locked up for 52 years.

Haley says"oh hell, no. I swear to god Rebekah if you don't let me go I will hurt you.

Rebekah says"I'm sorry, I can't.

I head butt Rebekah hard and she breaks her nose and I wave my hand and her neck snaps.

Marcel says"Haley.

Haley says"don't touch me.

Marcel tries to grab me and I throw him across the room and then I snap my fingers and klaus is out of his chains.

Klaus starts killing the vampires.

Marcel says"enough!

I look over and Marcel picked up a coin.

Klaus says"look at the all powerful Marcel Gerard is bowing before me.

Marcel says"here, I hereby pledge my allegiance to you. You have the keys to my kingdom. It's yours.

Later that night I'm looking around when...

Klaus says"Haley.

I turn around and see klaus and I run over there and I hug him.

I pull away from the hug.

Klaus says"let me show you to your room.

I follow klaus to my room.

Haley says"thank you.

Klaus nods his head and leaves.

I go in my bed and fall asleep.

The end of the chapter.

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