🍋Unloved Yet Not Forgotten, Part 2🍋

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I'm making this up as I go. All the information you need is in the previous chapter. I do have a plan though, I got to give buildup. This is taking part a good bit after the war, maybe when class 1A are now class 3A kind of thing. I'm doing a side part with Bakugou in a different post, but I'm adding the hero's name I dubbed for the specific quirk. Re-read the information in the previous and it will make sense....I also like this band and thought it fit for both the character and the quirk she holds sense the mineral or ore you have chosen could be shiny or whatever, lol. (M)= Mineral you chose to go with your quirk for this story. So, Ex for part of the story, 'The Golden Disintegrate Hero, Shinedown.' But i mean, if you dont like you don't have to go with that, it just makes it easier on me.

Warning....sex....I'll update the tags after ig??? Maybe, imma forget....probably....most likely....




"Your twins are taking over from what it looks like" Stated Aizawa very bluntly. "You sure you're good to be a guest speaker today?" He asked.

"I'm fine Shouta, it's feather brain you should worry about." (Y/N) responded back.

"True, does he know?" Aizawa questioned.

"He knows I am with you and that I'm at the school. While he would prefer me and the 'chicks,' as he has affectionately dubbed them, at home. I can manage myself and if I need to sit, I will." She responded back.

"Okay, just let me know if you need anything."

"I will." You stated as you both walked up to the freakishly large doors you could never forget about; you might even go as far as to say they show up in dreams.

You shudder slightly at the thought, making Shouta glance in your direction with a raised eyebrow, before giving a closed eyed chuckle and sliding the door open.

"It seems almost instinctual that you know when I am about to open the door. You're in your seats so fast it seems impossible." He said taking his stance behind the podium as all eyes are on you as you walk next to him. "We have a guest speaker today. You have 180 seconds for questions, go."

Almost immediately most of the class raises their hands and erupts in noise that almost hurts your sensitive ears as you flinch. You point at a girl with horns and pink hair first.

"When are you due?" "A month from now." You respond, pointing to a green haired boy towards the front.

"What's your quirk?" "Scaled Disintegration. If you want more information, I'm sure I could teach you more when I'm not in my current state." He looks satisfied with that answer, scribbling down fast in his notebook. You point to a young proper looking female in the very back.

"I don't mean to intrude, but are you Aizawa Sensei's girlfriend or wife?" "Neither, Pro Hero Hawks is my husband." More noise started up again with even more hands being raised. You pointed to a gentleman with a bird head.

"Do you know the gender of his children?" "We're going to wait and be surprised." He nodded his head while a few of the girls squealed and aw'd. You pointed to the ash blond in the front.

"Why have we never heard of you before?" You paused at this, wondering how to answer. "I'm underground, not many people know about me, I'm a ghost you could say, but I'm going to become more active after my children get older." He scanned your form, looking you up and down cautiously before meeting your eyes again and looking away with a 'tch' and a blush on his neck, starting to crawl up his cheeks. You smiled softly before pointing to a bright faced red-head that brought you more energy just by looking at him.

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