🍋Iida x !Innocent!Reader🍋

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This Is A Lemon...Read The Title If You Don't Believe Me...also, this was a request from, MarMar22223, Thanks for the idea Waffles! Your a life's saver! This is  my first post before my Katsuki x Reader one that i have promised, I'm in the mood to write for you guys, lol, I didn't do much of it over summer and I apologize. Also, this is probably going to be super long because i need build up for this one...you don't need much for Katsuki cause he can just shove you into a wall and start the nasty without a reason and it make sense. Am i right or am i right?

          "Morning Iida-San !" I say as i walk into class. "Morning (Y/n)-Chan!" He says making his hand chopping motions. "Oh, Hi Deku-Kun and Uraraka-Chan!" "H-hi (Y/n)..." "Hi (N/N)! (Nickname)" Both Uraraka and Izuku say a few seconds apart from each other. "What did you three do over the weekend...?" I ask curiously. "I spent time with my family!" Uraraka stated happily, "What about you Iida-San?" "I spent my time with my brother! Thank you for asking!" He stated in with his chopping hands. I giggle, "What did you do Deku-kun?" "O-oh...I mainly trained...." He replied, "That's cool! Of course you have to train to keep that amazing body of yours, well, amazing!" I state with enthusiasm as Izuku blushes madly and Iida looks over a little disheartened.

Iida's POV

          "She's so oblivious...the way she complements people, she doesn't know what she's saying can be sexual. I must help her! I have been her loyal friend sense the begging of the school year! Maybe we could have a lesson in the dorms! Before curfew of course, that would be breaking the rules and we don't need that."

Time Skeeeeeeep Because Lunch!

          "huh...Wonder were (y/n) went...Not like her to not eat her lunch...I shall fetch her! She might still be in the class room!" I think as i tell my friend group I'll be back i a minute, hopefully with (Y/n).

One Moreeeeeee....Can't Promise It Will Be The Last On Tho, I Need Relationship Development Y'all!

          I make it to the class room and go to open the door but am stoped by (Y/n)'s voice...and another males? Class mate maybe? Friend? I take small peak to see what is going on as not to interrupt until necessary. But what I see shocks me...

(Y/n)'s POV

          "Hey (Y/n)?" "Yes Mineta? (*Throws up in mouth* Number 18...that's what the number generator said...He was number 18...I'm so sorry all of you T^T) "Do you think you could sthay after clasth a minute?" He said to me with his slight lisp while drooling slightly, "Sure! Is there something you need?" I ask, "You could sthay that..." "Okie Dokie!" I say as i wait for everyone to leave the class room. When they do he states, "(Y/n) with that beautiful body pleasthure me and my heart by letting me take you out?" He asked, "Why would you shoot me?" I say as i cock my head slightly, "N-no as in-" he didn't get to finish as Iida come in with a scowl that i noticed. "Is everything okay Iida-San? You look upset?" I ask and look around for Mineta but he doesn't appear to be any wheat in the class room. "Huh...where'd Mineta go?" "Why are you asking where he went?! He was asking very inappropriate things of you! Can you not see that he had I'll intent!?" He states, "What do you mean Iida-San? He meant no harm..." "He was asking something of you that you should never give to someone like him! Are you that dense?! He wanted to touch you in ways that are not appropriate!" "He was? I guess I didn't notice...My apologies Iida-San...I didn;t mean to upset you..." "i know (y/n)" He said as he rubbed his eye's from under his glasses, "I was thinking...sense you seem to have this problem with being oblivious...i figured you could come by my dorm and i could help you with it...within curfew of course." He states, "Huh?! You'd really help me? Thank you Iida-San! I wont be late and i will leave in time too!" I Say as i hope of the desk and Give him a peck on the cheek to show my thanks, "Bye Iida-San! I'm off to lunch! You should too by the way." I say with a giggle as i walk out the door, leaving a flustered Iida in my wake.

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