Chapter 1: Stimulus

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Disclaimer - All characters are only           inspired from Marvel.

                Chapter 1:Stimulus

In the snowy forests of Quebec, Canada, the air was quiet. Not an animal stirred, nor did the wind dare to pick up. Near a frozen lake sat a small cabin. Out in the front were a blue and silver pickup truck and a small campfire. From inside of the cabin walked out a man in his late 40s, wearing standard winter wear of a fur coat, beanie, and gloves.

The man came to a stop in front of the campfire and would kneel to tend to it for a few moments. He looked around, smiling in contentment before standing up and walking over to his truck. He opened the passenger side door, reached in, and took out a hunting rifle. Upon closing the door and walking back towards his cabin, the ground beneath him shook. This caused him to come to a stop, and look around with a raised eyebrow.

The wind began to pick up, rustling the trees around him as a result. The ground shook again, and a loud thud could be heard to the right of him within the trees. The sound itself was like that of a tree falling. The man turned to the right, pivoting gradually. A flock of crows flew away from behind the trees, cawing one after another.

Another thud, and then another in succession. Each thud increased in volume, and it seemed to be heading in his direction. The man held his rifle up towards the trees and would look through the scope. Bullets of sweat ran down his face, evidence of the fear running through his body. He took the safety off of the gun, but not too long after, he would lower his gun with wide eyes at the sight now before him.

The gargantuan creature was 10 feet tall, covered in thick hair. Before the dumbstruck man could do anything else, the creatures roared and charged towards him.

Lucas' eyes shot open, and he would sit up in a cold sweat. He was breathing heavily and had to take a moment to calm himself down. Once he had done so, he began to take in the environment. There was snow all around, and there he was sitting shirtless. His pants were completely torn apart to where he was almost completely naked. He placed his arms across his chest in an attempt to warm himself from the cold that was beginning to overtake his body.

Upon standing up, Lucas looked in both directions for some sense of where he was. Ahead was a road sign, in French that Lucas could barely make out to say that New York was in that direction. He grabbed what was left of his pants, pulled them up, and began running in that very direction. Behind him, on the other side of the road, was a large sunken crater with two large footprints at the center.

"You woke up in...Quebec, was it?"

"Yes, Quebec. I was lucky enough that an older couple was willing to give me a ride. They were on their way to New York themselves."

"And you believe you sleepwalked…all the way to Quebec?"

Lucas adjusted the position of the glasses on his face as he thought about what he could say in response. Across from him sat a muscular man with short green hair, who could easily be mistaken for a professional wrestler, wearing a red button-up shirt with a yellow lightning bolt patterned tie. This was Dr. Sebastian Samson, son of Leonard Samson.

"I don't know, Doc. It's the only logical explanation. I've been sleepwalking for the past month," Lucas said, finally finding an appropriate response to Samson's inquiry.

Sebastian crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair. The office they were in was small, with Samson's degrees hanging from the wall, as well as pictures of himself and his father.

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