Chapter 4: Similar Creatures

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  Chapter 4: Similar Creatures

"What are you…how are you…?"

Lucas found it difficult to properly convey his thoughts, as they were all over the place. Sitting in front of him was the man he'd been looking for, the man he thought had been hurt by the Sasquatch. Flynn moved a strand of hair out of his face and shifted his positioning a bit.

"You seem quite confused, Lucas. For a man as smart as you are, I figured this would be quite simple for you to grasp," he said in a condescending tone.

Lucas looked back at Fury as if seeking further confirmation. Fury said nothing, instead, he simply shook his head. Lucas turned back to Flynn and would stare at him for a few more seconds in an attempt to process the revelation.

"How? Why? When? I have…I have so many questions, Flynn. How long have you been-"

"The Sasquatch?" Flynn asked, cutting Lucas off mid-sentence. "A couple of weeks ago after our last test in making a cure. You may have wondered why I suddenly dropped off the face of the planet, well it was because the dormant gamma radiation in my blood finally triggered. I'm the result of the sins of my father, just like you."

"Why didn't you call me?" Lucas asked, his voice straining a bit. "I could've helped you."

Flynn scoffed.

"Help me? No offense Lucas but I was the one helping you. I intended to cure myself and return to you. To do that, I needed to move myself to a remote location. Unfortunately once my existence was found…it became impossible to work in peace. He saw through to that," Flynn said, nodding towards Fury.

Nick raised an eyebrow, unphased and unperturbed by Flynn's words.

"Think about the fact that I didn't elect to kill you as soon as you reverted, just for a moment," he said.

At this, Flynn stood up and pressed his fists against the chamber glass, appearing aggravated.

"No, but you sure did send your clawed animal after me. Did you bother to tell him that you didn't wanna kill me? Because I'm confident he tried his damndest," Flynn said.

"Darkholme doesn't work for us, he works for Department H. They were supposed to wait for us to handle you ourselves before getting involved, but evidently, they have no patience," Fury responded.

Flynn shifted his line of sight down to Lucas.

"And you…you helped SHIELD to capture me. You had the Hulk…fight me," he said with betrayal in his voice.

"I didn't know it was you. I was looking for you. I didn't wanna fight, but you hit me. You brought out the Hulk after I'd…after I'd kept him under wraps for three months," Lucas, looking down.

Flynn found himself relaxing a bit. He lowered his hands and took a step back away from the glass. A look of regret washed over his face.

"I'm sorry. I was…angry, thinking you betrayed me," Flynn said.

At this, Lucas raised an eyebrow. He had previously noted Flynn's choice of words when referring to the Sasquatch as himself, but now it had begun to come together in his mind what it all meant.

" were angry with me? As the Sasquatch…were you…in control?" Lucas asked, almost as if he was scared of the answer.

A SHIELD agent walked up to Nick and pulled him aside.

"Director Hudson is here, sir," the agent said.

Nick looked up towards the ceiling and sighed. He turned to the agent and nodded.

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