advice from gwen

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Vance's pov:

I woke up, Bruce still snuggled into my chest sleeping peacefully. I smiled and saw Bruce shifting lightly. He finally opened his eyes and shut them back quickly. I chuckled, tired pretty boy? A blush appeared on his face. Yeah. He mumbled. Hey well, I have to get home okay? I'll call you later sound good? I asked. Mhm.. I got up to leave but I felt him tap my shoulder. What's wrong? I asked. He didn't respond but instead kissed me. I immediately kissed back. We both finally pulled apart and smiled. Bye. He said. I waved goodbye and headed out the door.

I was walking to Finneys house in hood that Gwen and Donna would be there. It only toke me about 7 minutes since Bruce's house isn't that far from his. I knocked impatiently waiting for someone to answer. I heard Gwen scream shell get it, great! She's here. I thought. She opened and made a face when she saw me. Vance? What are you doing here? She asked. Hey, uhh I have to ask you a question.. is Donna here? I asked. Yeah- she is.. come in I guess. I walked in we were walking to her room and the crook of finneys door was open.

I glanced there and saw Finney and Robin making out. I chuckled softly and closed the door LOUD so they could here. I heard Robin groan and Finney giggle. Anyways, we made it to her room to see Donna sitting on the floor playing with a doll. Gwen smiled and sat on the bed, Soo what's up Vance? I- I need some advice. I whispered. Huh?! Advice? Wow Vance Hopper, Who are you crushing on, hmm? Gwen laughed. Donna giggled but continued to play. Shut up! We already- we already made out n stuff I just wanna ask him out properly. Gwen's eyes widened. Huh? Who is it! Tell us, pleasee Vance. She begged. I laughed, Bruce, Bruce Yamada. Donna immediately looked to us shocked.

Wow, who knew that the Vance Hopper would like Bruce! Donna laughed. Oh and the fact they already made out, gwen added on. Well- will you help me or not gwen? Please? Fine! I'll help! Gwen announced. So. Obviously I know what Bruce likes because well, finney is his best friend! Soo I'll just get to the point. I know that Bruce likes picnics, and movies! Gosh he always watched movies with Finn so I think that'll be good for a first DATE. Gwen laughed. HEY! Shut up will you? I said angrily. Woah fine. Anyways yeah that's really it, just buy him some flowers to. Yeah okay. Thanks Gwen. Anytime pinball Vance! Donna laughed as I walked out.

Gosh will I actually do this? I kept repeating in my head. I was walking to the nearest flower shop. I was planning on getting daisy's for him. Hopefully he likes them. I thought. (I smell gay) I finally got there not after too long and began looking throughout the store and I finally found the perfect ones! - here are the ones he choose

 (I smell gay) I finally got there not after too long and began looking throughout the store and I finally found the perfect ones! - here are the ones he choose

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I think he'll like them. I went to go checkout and quickly left to my house to plant out what movie I should bring him too. Should I bring him to a scary one? Does he even like scary movies? What if that kiss was just a onetime thing? Gosh, I was overthinking now. I shook away that thought and just decided on Texas chainsaw massacre.

I forgot to say this in my other chapters, English is not my first language! So If I get any spelling wrong or just something doesn't make sense. Please correct me so I can learn. Thank you!

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