bad boy

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Bruce's pov:

It had been like.. 3 hours since Vance left. I was starting to get ready for bed since I was pretty tired, but Vance hasn't texted me yet. I don't why but I'm worried. I mean, Vance obviously he could defend himself but I still want him to text me. I sighed and walked to my bathroom to shower. — after shower - I quickly changed and brushed my teeth. I wasn't tired so I decided to watch a movie, "Superman"

Vances pov:

  I was just about to go to sleep but I remembered what I said to Bruce, "I'll text you later" shit. Hopefully he hasn't went to sleep yet. I decided to text him.

Btw idrk how to make it look like there actually text please forgive me lol

Vance: Hey! Are you sleeping?🙂
Bruce: no not yet, I'm watching Spider-Man! 😸
Vance: Cool, wanna hangout tomorrow? Movie?
Bruce: Sure! I love movies
Vance: Yeah great. I'll pick you um at 5:30 okay?
Bruce: Sure! Sounds great.
Vance:awesome. Goodnight Bruce :)
Bruce:yeah, goodnight:))

They both went to sleep- the next day.

Vances pov:

     I woke up at about 3:25 so I'd have some time to get ready, starting with showering. — after shower cause yes — I finished showering and getting ready my outfit. I was wearing a white shirt, my black hoodie and some random jeans to go along with the outfit. I quickly brushed out my hair as it was 4:10 already. I finally just decided to listen to music until it was time.


Bruce's pov:

    I had been ready for a LONG time. I'm just so excited, I wonder what movie he choose. I had a light blue shirt on, my favorite jeans! It's about 4:30 now so I only have to wait a few more minutes.
__30 minutes later

Bruce's pov:

Finally, it had been 30 minutes. I guess I should just wait for Vance. I walked down the stairs and waited on my couch. Ding dong- I heard the doorbell ring and I shot up excitedly. I dashed to the door and saw Vance! Hey! I said. Hey. You ready to go? He chuckled, seeing my reaction. Yup! Let's go! I smiled. He nodded and walked me over to his car. He opened the door for me and I blushed. Thank you. I giggled. (this is so cringe my apologies 😥)

Vances pov:

I opened the door for him and he blushed. Is it working? Thank you, he said. Of course pretty boy. I grinned. I walked over to the other side of the car and started to drive. I put some music and looked at Bruce who was still blushing. I chuckled and continued to drive all the way to the movies. — when they arrive — we were finally here and I walked him over there. We got the tickets and decided to get some snacks. I got popcorn and a side for us, and he got gummy bears aswell. I payed and we went to go find our seats. We both sat down and waited till the movie started. I smiled and thought things were going great.

Bruce's pov;

   We were sitting down already and I looked at the ticket seeing the movie- Texas chainsaw massacre. What?! I thought. Vancee, i said dragging out the e. What's wrong? He smiled. Are we really watching a scary movie? I pouted. Yeah, we are. What? Are you scared? Hah! Bruce Yamada is scared!  He laughed. Hey! It's not funny okay? I'm really scared, I said pouting again. He stopped laughing and chuckled. It's okay pretty boy, I'll protect you. He smiled.  Okay then. I said. And finally the movie started.

after the movie!

   Bruce's pov:

     The movie ended and at this point I was shivering. I was freezing, I shook it off and started gathering my stuff. Ready to go? Vance asked. Yeah. I said. We walked out, throwing away the trash and I guess Vance saw me shivering cause he offered me his jacket. Hey, you look cold, wanna use my hoodie? He smiled. Uhh- but it's yours. I said. Yeah, I did want it I just wasn't sure if he would mind or not soo. Nono. It's okay bruce, here. Just take it okay? I don't want you getting cold.  Uh okay. Thanks Vance. I smiled. He smiled back and we walked back to his car.

  Vances pov:

   I guess I should tell him when I'm dropping him off. — at Bruce's house — thanks for today, Vance! I really had fun. He smiled. I smiled back. Hey.. before you leave I got something I wanna tell you.  Sure, what's up Vance? I sighed and just went for it. Uhm.. so remember when we.. kissed? Was that a one time thing or? Because Bruce, I really like you. I really do. And I don't want this just to be a one time thing. I want to be something. I mean it's okay if you don't want to but- but I know I will always love you. I know I'm not the guy someone would aim for, yeah "bad boy" everyone says that don't they? And I know. Maybe your just pretending to be friends with me? I don't know but, I've really fallen for you. He stood there shocked of what I said. I sighed. Maybe it was all a joke. I thought.

Bruce's pov:

No, I like bad boys, especially you. Vance. I smiled, getting closer to him wrapping kya rams around his neck. He followed along and he but his hands around my waist firmly. We looked at each other for a moment. Before Vance finally leaned in and we kissed. Though this time, it wasn't sexual, or anything like that. It was love. I really do love Vance. And he loved me back. We pulled apart and both smiled. Gosh, I thought you would reject me. Vance whispered. Never, Vance. I really do love you. We both smiled. Oh yeah by the way, do you want your hoodie back? I said. I thought he would get it back but instead, he chuckled. No, it's fine, keep it. For you yeah?  Yeah. I nodded.

ok I finally finished this 😸. again if u see any spelling mistakes something doesn't make sense plz tell me. I hood u guys enjoy this chapter.

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