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Crimson watched the blue Skywing. Apparently she wasn't that desperate to get her "answers". She had spent most of her time following Abyss around asking non-stop questions about random things. Like "Why do you want live in a cave?" And "Are you like, a deformed Nightwing or Seawing?" Crimson tried not to bite her. "Can you read minds or breathe underwater, or both, or nothing?" Crimson had to keep from setting her on fire for that one. "Is that red dragon your mom?" Crimson tripped when she asked that. "Do you have glow in the dark stripes." Abyss responded by practically blinding her in flash light. "How long have you been here? What do you eat? Fish or dead things?" Crimson had to resist telling her all meat were dead things. And finally. "What is she?" She asked about Crimson. Crimson was ready to throw her to the Nightwings wrapped in a giant HYBRID  banner at this point. Saphira was a strange dragon. Her mood changed faster than a Rainwings scales. From the half charred forest it was obvious she had a temper, and Crimson had no doubt that her claws could leave marks you wouldn't soon forget. Every emotion seemed to be one high or one low.

"Honestly, I don't know. And I don't ask" Abyss replied. "And I don't think you should either," she added seeing Saphiras face. "Why? She knows what you are, why not vice versa?" Abyss sighed. "Crimson saved me, she'll tell me when she wants. And she hasn't told me yet, so I leave her be." "Maybe she's just waiting for you to ask." Saphira had a serious look in her eyes, one Abyss hadn't seen on her before. "Why do you think she reacted to so much to the name Feather? Who is that?" She noticed Abyss' look. "What! I'm smarter than I look." "I don't know. I've only know her a little while. I don't ask about her past." Abyss was as stumped on the fact as Saphira. " There's a lot you don't ask." Saphira commented. Abyss frowned at her. "Now's your chance, and I know you want to know just as badly as I do." Saphira shoved Abyss forward as Crimson reentered. Well, now or never I guess. Abyss thought. She took a deep breath. "Crimson there's something I want to ask you. Who's Feather?"

Crimson knew this was coming. And she really didn't like it. She didn't want to bring up painful memories. "Feather is... Feather is -was- my sister."

Book 1: A Hybrid Named Crimson (Wings of Fire Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now