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"Hold still, your worse than ghost dragon!"

"But it feels weird and sticky."

"Do you want it to get infected?"

"Well, no."

"Then hold still, suck it up, and deal with it!"


That was roughly how Jewel and Crimsons conversation went for the nearly an hour it took to deal with all the small cuts and scrapes on the dragonet. The whole time Phantom stood off to the side laughing at them. That dragonet was either incredibly stupid, incredibly brave, or both, because he didn't even flinch at Crimsons glare when most dragons would have shut up and backed away. The only dragon that seemed to even remotely scare him was Abyss.

"So your half Nightwing?"


"And Half Seawing?"


"Can you breathe under water?"


"Tell the future?"


"Read minds?"


"What about-"

"Shut up."

"Okay..... Can you-"

And so on. Jewel took longer to work with because she was curious about what every herb did, and what every paste was made of, and how you made and applied everything. She would be a good healer if she still had a tribe. "Half Rainwing, eh?" Crystal asked Phantom, poking him slightly. "Cool, Frigid is to." "Can he do this?" Phantom disappeared. Frigid looked up from his corner and frowned at them. "Please quit making me feel inadequate over there." Crystal rolled her eyes at him. "Does he always sound like that?" Phantom asked reappearing. "You get used to it." "Saphira if you would be so kind as to stop sulking because Abyss won the argument would you please bring me some Poppy?" Crimson called to the depressed blue dragon. "You shoulda known you were gonna lose, no one besides Crimson could win an argument with her and those two don't fight." Frigid commented from his spot. "Not helping."

"Why do we keep running? Why not stand up for hybrids?" Jewel questioned as the seven of them sat around talking. "Do you think there's enough of us? We're rare, not enough to start a worthwhile rebellion." Frigid pointed out. "Actually, as far as I know we could actually have two tribes on our side. The Sandwings and the Rainwings. The queen of the Sandwings banned prejudice killings of hybrids because her daughter is one and the Rainwing queen is in love with a Nightwing and believes the hybrid hunt is wrong." Abyss told them. "See, there! Two tribes!" Crystal said brightly. "First we would actually have to get an alliance and we don't know that would happen. If a fight happened it would be their dragons getting hurt. They have to decide if it's worth it." Crimson pointed out. Despite her words she looked thoughtful, maybe even hopeful. There were groans all around. "But," she added with a glare. "It might be worth a shot. If it saves any dragons it's worth it." "So we can try it?" Jewel asked excitedly. "Why not? Otherwise we're just sitting here doing nothing to help anyone. It time to start running to the problem, not from it." Phantom told her. Abyss smiled but still said "We can't just go charging into this, we need a plan. Um, anyone know how to get to the rainforest?" All looks turns  to Phantom. "Stop looking at me! I was born in the desert!" Crimson spoke up. "Me and Feather traveled around a lot, including the rainforest. So actually...."

Book 1: A Hybrid Named Crimson (Wings of Fire Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now