Hybrid Hunters

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Phantom watched the strange Skywing as she darted around the sky, her face openly joyful. Every time her mother left he came to continue the lessons. By now she was as good as him, and loved it. He felt his diamond turning pink and bright purple so he faded out of existence. He was not going to have her  see him turn pink. It highly annoyed him how little control he had over the color of those particular scales. Unless he was camoflaging it changed depending on his mood whether he wanted them to or not. His eyes changed on their own to, but not according to his emotions, thankfully. The rest he could control. "You disappeared again, why do you keep doing that?" She called. Because I don't want to be pink. "Because I can." "Uh-huh sure." She said. My head appeared next to her. "Don't believe me?" "AHH! Don't do that you look creepy!" He laughed, disappearing again. "That's so unfair, you can camouflage and what can I do? Oh yeah, that's right, hold my breath for an hour." Jewel was a Skywing Mudwing hybrid. She was large with broad shoulders, Mudwing scaling in some places, and warm brown eyes. Her red wings, though huge, were shaped like a Mudwings and she was more muscled than most Skywings. She was a menacing figure altogether, even though she was only four. Not that she scared him. He didn't doubt she could cause damage as well as any Skywing, she just didn't scare him. "Says the dragonet who's almost a year younger than me and nearly 4 claw lengths taller." She snorted. "You forgot to add that I can totally fly faster than you. Care for a race back?" "Not particularly." He said. "Why?" She demanded. "I don't make bets I know I'll lose." She laughed. "Good point." He stopped dead in his tracks. "Are those Skywings?" Jewel stopped to and also saw the two red dots approaching. "Back to the cave, now!" He cried and they both fled back to the cave. The Skywings had  seen Jewel, and they were headed to the cave. "Wait by the entrance, don't look suspicious." He hissed in Jewels ear. "Why?" "They're hybrid hunters, they'll kill you if they find out your half Mudwing." He told her. "What about you?" She asked, he could hear the fear in her voice. "Me too, but they won't see me. This was why your mother was hiding you. It's not your fault, they knew already where you live." "Don't leave me." He voice was tight as she waited by the entrance for them to land. "I won't, I'll be right here. I'll give you all the answers you need." She nodded slightly so he knew she had heard as the Skywings were landing now. "Hello dragonet, have you seen any... strange looking dragons around here?"  The lead bright red male Skywing asked. "No sir." He looked her up and down suspiciously. "Where is you mother, dragonet? Why are you alone?" "My mother had to go to the kingdom, she was afraid I would slow her down. I'm old enough to be left on my own." "And just how old are you, dragonet?" The dark red female asked. Jewel clearly didn't know what to say, she  was much to large to be a normal 4 year old Skywing. "Six." He hissed in her ear. "I'm six." "That was quite a pause, are you sure you know your age. "Yes, it's just hard to keep track all the way out here sometimes." She covered easily. Both Skywings were flexing their claws, they didn't seem to believe her. "Your very well built, you must train a lot. Your scales are kind of strange to." The female pointed out. Jewel shrugged. "In fact... they look like Mudwing scales." She started to snarl. "Jewel, FLY!" Phantom cried. He launched at the female who roared in surprise. He bit her hard on the back of neck. Jewel shot off. The female reared. "Get it off, AHH!" The male launched at her back, unable to see him. He rolled off. His jaws sprang open. She whipped around with a hiss. He heard the fire-is-coming noise. It never came because she started screaming, scratching at her face where the venom had sprayed. Phantom flinched. The male leapt at somewhere around Phantoms general area as Phantom took off. Hopefully he would spend a few minutes figuring out Phantom wasn't there anymore, and then try to take care of his melting companion. He shot after the small red dot that ha  become Jewel. Thankfully she didn't have much stamina for flight yet still and eventually he caught up. They were both breathing heavily. "Your bleeding!" She said in shock. "Hadn't noticed." He grunted. "Thanks for saving me. I guess we can't go back." He shook his head. "No we can't, they'll be after us soon. Best bet is to keep moving, and find somewhere safe to hide and sleep." "Okay, we can do this, somewhere safe. Can we please hurry up then, my wings are starting to ache." He rolled his eyes. "Only you..."

Book 1: A Hybrid Named Crimson (Wings of Fire Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now