Unexpected Help

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"Don't get any closer or- or- or I'll stab you through!" Saphira threatened. The five vicious Skywings laughed "Nice try , but we know you can't even fly yet hybrid." Said the lead Skywing. He was a vicious dragon with dark orange scales many scars. A pale orange female snicker at that. She particularly didn't like her. That was Harmony, the Dragon who found her and began the hunt she had been running from, literally, for years. Well, a year and a half to be exact but close enough. The Skywings started advancing. They were obviously enjoying having finally caught her. "She's mine" Harmony hissed. She could see the vivid scars from her own claws long and ugly across Harmonys once beautiful face and snout. Ok so she was still mad about that. Sapphira was backed against a mountain wall and the head Skywing was right. She couldn't even fly. If she was going to die, she was at least going to give Harmony some more scars to rage about. Suddenly there was a whoosh of wings above her and a huge dragon landed between her and the patrol. The ground shook when he landed so that she was almost knocked off her claws and most of the Skywings were. "Don't touch the dragonet." He was more than double the size of the biggest Skywing there. His scales looked kinda like a whole bunch colour threw up on them. He must be ancient to be that big! She thought. "You can't stop all of us." Harmony told him although she didn't sound completely sure. He narrowed his eyes like he most certainly didn't believe it. The other Skwings didn't look to much like they wanted to even try attacking him. She didn't blame them. The lead Skywing stood up. He had a nasty gash on his head that was bleeding. "She is the responsibility of the Skywing kingdom. Skywings attack!" The Dragon whipped out of the way of a fire blast that nearly hit Saphira. She duck with a yelp and barely avoided it. "Hey watch it with with the fire!" She roared stupidly earning herself a nasty glare from one the Skywings who then got whacked so hard in the head by the dragons tail he was sent flying a very long way. Another screaming Skywing in flames stumbled off the back of a cliff. Yeesh! She thought. To bad it's wasn't Harmony. The lead Skywing lay dead already not far away from her. She didn't see the others besides Harmony who was laying on the stone knocked out but not dead, she was still breathing unfortunately. Then she was grabbed by the Dragon and lifted into the air. As she was flown away one of Harmonys eyes opened. Ok... so not knocked out. She gave one last look of hatred at Saphira before she was flown away and could no longer see her. "I can walk on my own you know!" She roared at him. "Yes but you can't fly. Or would you rather me let go and let you learn?" Saphira growled but said nothing else. Finally he landed in forest after what felt like forever of flying. "So just who exactly are you?" She demanded. "That is not something you need to know." He growled. Was there a nice mode on this dragon? "Well is there at least something I can call you 'O Great Mysterious One'" he was not amused. "Call me Spectrum." Oh wasn't that fantastic? A rainbow Dragon who was less cuddly than a porcupine crossed with a Nightwing, who she now owed her life to. Great. "So who are you gonna turn me over to? Or are you gonna just gonna kill me yourself? " "All you need to know is that I'm a friend. For now." He said ominously. " and I don't work for anyone. I only work for Feathers cause." Great, whatever that meant. I get feeling he doesn't particularly like me. The feeling is mutual. "Now stay here." He growled "Someone else will find you from here." Joy. "Fine. I just hope they're more friendly than you." He glanced at me " I wouldn't know." he growled.

Book 1: A Hybrid Named Crimson (Wings of Fire Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now