Dreams Can Be Memorys

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Crimson bounded out to the sand, feeling the sun on her back and outstretched wings. "Be careful! If you even think anyone is coming camouflage!" Feather called out from the tree line. "I know, I will!" Crimson called back. As she darted across the hot sand, she looked up. She could finally see the thing her sister called an ocean. It was a huge expanse of water, blue green and sparkling. She'd been told it could be dangerous, but it didn't look dangerous. It looked beautiful. She could feel the ocean calling to her heart, pulling her forward. She approached cautiously. When her talons felt the water it was cold and smooth, it was wonderful. She walked farther forward, her talons sunk into the sand. Tiny silver fish darted around her. Her scales that were under water had a strange bluish look now. Red and blue. Was that even possible? The water felt like it gave her energy, she could do anything. Then her talons slipped. She was plunged underwater with a yelp. It felt great! And terrifying. She opened her eyes as a big fish darted by. She gasped and sucked in salty water. Oh, right. Need air to breathe. Wait, I can't breathe? Why don't I feel scared that I'm drowning? She wondered. Then she saw the dragon. He was huge and dark blue with deep blue eyes. His face seemed ancient and wise but he didn't look old. She held his gaze, curious. Was that a Seawing? She heard a voice in her head answering her previous question. Because you belong here, little one. She didn't know if it was herself or someone else. Maybe she was hallucinating from lack of oxygen. Then strong talons grabbed her shoulders and she was yanked out of the water by a terrified looking Feather. Feather rubbed her back murmuring "Cough it out, come on, cough it out" urgently. Crimson finally coughed out a bunch of seawater gasping for air. Now she felt scared. "Are you ok? Please be okay?" Feather pleaded. Crimson nodded. "Don't ever do that again! You gave me a heart attack! What if I hadn't found you? What if you drowned?" She lectured her. Crimson knew she was only worried. "I wasn't scared." Crimson whispered, wrapped in her sister's comforting green wings. "What?" Feather asked, shocked. "I don't know why, but I wasn't scared." "Why did you go so deep?" Feather questioned her as she headed back to the tree line, never letting go of her sister. "It was calling me." Feather sighed. "I shouldn't be surprised." "Why?" Feather thought for a moment, like she was considering how much to tell her. "The ocean is strong, powerful, mysterious and dangerous. But it's also beautiful and deep. Just like you." Crimson waited a moment. "I saw a dragon." She said bluntly. Feather nearly tripped. "You what? What did it look like?" "He was dark blue, and wise but young, and had blue eyes." She described. "Any stripes?" She asked. "No." "Crimson, listen to me. If that dragon said anything or anything weird happened, ignore it. Pretend you didn't see him. Ok? Can you do that for me?" Crimson nodded. Feather seemed in an awful hurry to leave after that.

Crimson woke up from the dream. Actually it was more of a memory. She had almost forgotten that day. She had been only one and a half years old, and her sister eight. A long time after she had wondered why the dragon had spooked her sister so much. "Are you okay?" She turned her head to see Abyss, looking worried. "Yeah, just caught up in memories." She told her. "What of?" Abyss, she was so young but so smart. Only three but with the mind of much older dragon. Wise beyond her years, but so determined. "My sister." "Crystal and Saphira got in a fight again. Cave 4 smells like someone charred a fish and then it snowed." Crimson sighed, amused. Saphira fought with everyone and anyone when she was in one of her moods. None of them, not even Saphira, took it to heart. Is was a side effect of living with an irrational, prickly, lovable, blue Skywing. Unfortunately she tended to attempt to burn rock. Crystal would also freeze rock, except it tended to work better. This would leave different caves and passages smelling strange. They had started naming the caves and passages. Ones with nothing identifiable would simply get a number. Okay, so they got very bored. Frigid and Crystal had lived with them for nearly a month. It had also become obvious to Crimson that Crystal had fallen for Frigid, and she had fallen hard. Unfortunately Frigid, for all his brains, was completely oblivious. "Should I avoid that cave for the time being?" Crimson asked. "Probably, yes." Frigid was half Rainwing and half Icewing and Crystal was half Nightwing half Icewing. Crystal had no apparent powers or fire though. "Abyss, what do you suppose a dragon would be a hybrid of if they could breathe under water but looked nothing like a Seawing? Big horns, no stripes, fins, and bright colored eyes." Abyss thought for a moment. "I don't know, definitely half Seawing, maybe Rainwing but then they wouldn't have straight horns. Could be Nightwing, but that doesn't explain the bright eyes." She shrugged. "Best bet would probably be part Icewing. Why?" "I just remembered a dragon I saw once when I was young. Curious, that's all. Nothing important." Crimson looked down at Abyss, her dark eyes were curious. She seemed to know that it felt important but, like the respectful dragon she was, said nothing. "Come on; let's go make sure they don't damage anything important."

Book 1: A Hybrid Named Crimson (Wings of Fire Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now