Chapter one

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He was looking in the mirror. For some reason, this boy, Richie "Trashmouth" Tozier, had just cut some of his hair off. It was mostly based on a dare. Beverly Marsh wanted him to do it.

"You actually did it! Haha!" She laughed. Richie was giggling. "Alright, your turn!" "No, no! I already cut my hair!" "No, you have to do it or it's not fair!" "Fine!"

Beverly picked the scissors up and cut a little bit of her hair. "There. Happy?" She asked. Richie nodded.

Today was his 14th birthday, and this was the first time Beverly came over since she moved to her aunt's. The other Losers were in Richie's room.

Since Beverly moved away with her aunt, Richie wanted to spend more time with her since he barely did when she still lived in Derry.

In his room, Bill, Eddie, and Stanley were having a conversation about Richie.

"Richie is very cool, I just wish he wasn't a pain in the ass." Eddie said. "W-Well, he isn't TH-THAT bad, he's kind of f-funny." Bill said. "True." Stanley said. "He's so stupid and I hate him but at the same time I love him." Eddie says. Stan smiled at Eddie. "You like him."

"No the fuck I don't, why would you think I do?" Eddie's face went red. Bill rolled his eyes. "I-It's obvious you g-guys love each other. Y-Y-You've been in the hammock w-with each other ma-many times, don't deny it." He said.

"Shut the fuck up, Big Bill! Tha-That was just uh, as friends!" "Mhm, but it still is kind of.. Homosexual affection." Stan says. Eddie looked mad. He knew Bill and Stan were right, but he's not just gonna admit it at this time. Not at Richie's birthday party.

"Anyways, where the hell is Mike and Ben?" Eddie asked. "M-Mike said he's going to be l-late, and Ben s-s-said that he's not c-coming since he's b-busy." Bill responds.

Stanley nods. Then Richie ran into the room and tackle-hugged Eddie. "OW! WHAT IN THE EVER LIVING FUCK, RICHIE?!" He yelled. Richie and the others laughed. Beverly walked in the room.

Stanley and Bill looked at each other with a smirk and then looked back at Richie and Eddie.

"Alright, get up you two." Beverly says as Richie gets off of Eddie. "Thanks, asshole, now my fucking back hurts." Eddie punched Richie on the arm. "Ow."

Suddenly, Mike walked in the room with a wrapped present. "Hello, I'm so sorry I'm late! I had to get a present." He said. "Oh, it's ok Mike! You didn't have to bring me a present." Richie said, walking to Mike and taking the gift. Mike smiled.

Richie put the present on his bed, where the other presents were. "Alright guys, let's get out of my room." He walked out and the others followed.

Maggie was in the kitchen baking a cake and Wentworth was nowhere to be seen, since he was at work. Richie sighed sadly and smiled right after that to ignore it.

"So how does it feel to be 14?" Maggie asked Richie with a smile. "I don't feel any different, honestly." "Oh, alright. Cake should be done in a few minutes." Richie nodded and walked outside, the Losers following.

"What are we going to do out here?" Mike asked. Richie shrugged. "I dunno, whatever you guys want." Everyone except Richie and Eddie ran in a different direction with someone else so they can talk.

Eddie looked at Richie. Richie looked back at Eddie, and then at Eddie's outfit. He had his normal red shorts with the yellow shirt that had a picture of a car on it. Then Eddie looked at RICHIE'S outfit. His outfit was basically what he normally wore-a white shirt and one of those Hawaiian shirts he normally wore. He also had jeans on.

"You look nice." Eddie said. Richie smiled softly. "You do too." Then Richie noticed how much taller Eddie got and how curly his hair was now. "Oh, and you're very cute!" Richie got closer to Eddie and pinched his cheek.

"Don't fucking touch me." Eddie said. His cheeks were light pink since he was blushing, but he looked very mad so Richie let go. "Sorry." He said.

"Anyways, you're really cute now! And you grew a little, I never really noticed until today!" "Shut up, you sound like my aunts." Eddie looked really pissed off.

There was music playing. The last song that was playing ended, and Eddie My Love by The Chordettes began to play. Richie looked flustered. "H-Hey, Eds. Listen to this song." He said to Eddie.

"If you're trying to start some romantic shit then I'm not interested, fucker. I hear the music. It's Eddie My Love, my mom listens to it around me, telling me how much she "loves" me." He responds.

"Damn. Sorry for pissing you off." Eddie sighed and walked to Stanley and Bill, joining their conversation. Richie shrugged and walked back inside the house.

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