Chapter six

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The boys left Stanley's neighborhood and made their way to the field where they had done the blood oath months earlier.

Once it was too difficult to ride their bikes, they got off and walked the rest of the way. Mike was there, and so was Bill and Ben.

Mike was staring at the grass, and Bill and Ben were having a conversation with each other.

Richie had an evil grin on his face. "Stay here, you two." He whispered to Stan and Eds.

He ran away from those two and snuck up behind Bill. After a few seconds, he yelled. "BOO!"

Bill, Ben, and Mike jumped. "R-RICHIE! WH-WH-WH-WHAT THE HELL!" He screamed. Mike started laughing and Ben just, sat there silently. Richie laughed too, while Stanley and Eddie rolled their eyes and walked to the others.

Bill stood up and pushed Richie, and then Richie pushed him back. "F-Fuck you, T-T-Tozier." "Ok then, get you clothes off right now!" He giggled. Ben's jaw dropped and so did Eddie's.

"N-No." He sat back down. Richie looked at Mike, and then at Eddie. He walked to him and sat down. Eddie and Stanley sat down too.

"So no Bev?" Ben asked. "No Bev. No bitches." Richie said. "Rich, quit." Eddie said. "You all know that one day people will be laughing at my jokes, including you guys, right?" "I doubt you're gonna get even a SMILE!" Stanley remarked.

"Eddie my love, you think I'm funny, right? You laugh at the weird shit I do and say!" "In your dreams, jackass." His face was a light shade of red and he thought it was noticeable so he looked away.

Richie looked at Mike. "Hey, Mike! How was your day?" He asked. "Oh, my day was fine. It's honestly getting better because you're here being stupid." He answered with a smile.

"Why, thank you, my good fellow." He said in a fancy British accent. Suddenly his face lit up and he looked at Eddie.

"Eds! Should we tell them?" "Uh, yeah." Richie chuckled. "What is i-it?" Bill asked.

"Me and Eddie are getting fucking married as adults." He stood up and picked Eddie up, then carrying him around bridal-style. "PUT ME DOWN, FUCKER!" He tried to kick Richie. Everyone but Eddie giggled.

"Ok but in all seriousness, me and him are together now." He said, putting him down. Eddie punched Richie in the stomach and walked away. "Ow." Rich said. It didn't really hurt, he just said ow because he can.

"Con-Congratulations." Bill said. Mike, Ben, and Stanley congratulated Richie and Eddie too. Richie started bowing. "Thank you, thank you." He said, then stopping the bowing.

"You're so weird." Eddie said, sounding annoyed.

Mike yawned. "Did any of you guys sleep good?" He asked. Everyone but Richie and Mike nodded.

"That's good. I slept nice too." He smiled. Richie fake yawned and started to then run around everyone.

"Wh-What the hell are you doing?" Bill asked. "I dunno! I'm bored!" Responded Richie. Stanley snickered.

"Stop running, asshole. You're gonna fucking trip and split your head open." Eddie said angrily. "Oh ok." Richie sped up.

Eddie stood up and grabbed Richie by the shirt. "OW, FUCKER! YOU COULD'VE KILLED ME!" He yelled. "Bitch, I only grabbed you by the shirt."

"Yeah, well it hurt." Eddie lets go of Richie and sighs. "Wh-Why are we all here a-anyways?" Bill asks. Everyone shrugs except Bill.

"We just kind of felt like going here, we didn't know any of you guys were here." Richie affirmed.

"I-I mean, of course you d-d-didn't. I never c-c-called you and told you." Bill adds.

"Yeah. I kind of wanted time alone so I went here, but Bill was here so I decided to just stay to be nice." Says Ben.

"Same for me, except it wasn't just Bill of course." Mike says. "Nice." Said Richie. He yawned. "Well I'm going home. Cya."

He ran to his bike and got back on it, pedaling home.

Bill, Stanley, Ben, Eddie, and Mike just watched. Then they all looked at each other.

"I'm not sure if this is bad to ask, but what happened to Richie's arm?" Mike questioned. Eddie opened his mouth to say something, but stopped. After thinking for a little bit, he said "He was just scraped, that's it."

"They didn't look like scrapes to me. Is he ok?" Ben asked. Eddie nods. "Yes, please stop talking about it." He growled.

"Why are you so mad about it all of a sudden?" Asked Stanley. "Stan, I can tell you later why I'm mad about it. Now. Everyone, please stop asking. Richie is ok." He demands. Everyone went quiet for a minute.

"A-Anyways. Does anyone know if B-Beverly left or i-if she's still here?" Bill asked everyone. "I'm not sure." Mike answers.

"I tried checking with her last night but she said she was packing to go back to where she lives now. So we probably won't see her for a while." Ben says. "A-Ah." Bill sighed.

"I honestly feel happy that she moved away, because of all the shit she had with her dad." Eddie said. Bill and Ben nod.

"I wish I could move out too. Not because you guys are here, of course, but because Derry is kind of boring. And all the It stuff." Mike says, crossing his arms.

"I ju-just remembered that R-Richie told me he was g-g-going to move away in a f-few months." Says Bill. Eddie's face looked surprised. He felt his heart drop.

He's moving away..? This can't be true. He kept thinking to himself. His breathing got fast. Stanley put his hand on Eddie's shoulder. "Hey, are you ok?" He asked him worriedly.

"E-Eds?" Bill looked at Eddie. Eddie started to breathe normally and he looked at Stan sadly. "Yeah. I'm fine." He then looked away.

"I should probably go home. Ma's not gonna be happy." He stood up quickly and ran to his bike, getting on it, and speeding away.

"What the hell was that?" Mike asked. Everyone shrugged.

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