Chapter three

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"Why didn't you tell me you.. Ok never mind that, actually. Richie." Eddie cleared his throat and looked away from Richie.

"Huh?" "You didn't have to hide this shit from me, ok? Look. I kind of knew that I loved you ever since I gave you that god damn hoodie when we were a lot younger." He paused and walked to Richie, getting very close to his face and grabbing him by his shirt.

Eddie lowered his voice. "And I think you're a fucking pretty boy, ok? Even though your eyes make you look like a motherfucking llama, you're still beautiful." Richie started to blush, a lot.

Eddie continued with what he had to say. "I wrote about you a lot in a journal I don't have anymore because I didn't want my ma to find out. I daydreamed of you. And I've been scared of saying that to you because I felt like you wouldn't like me back." He sighed.

"But hey. Now that we both know, I can do this." He kissed Richie on the lips and cupped his face. Richie kissed Eddie back and they both closed their eyes.

After a few seconds, they both pulled away and Eddie backed up. Richie's face was bright red. "W-Wow." He said. "Heh. Well, I should go back home now. I was supposed to be bird watching with Stan, but he's not showing up. If he actually shows up, watch the birds with him, will you?" Eddie smiled softly and walked away from Richie, then getting on his bike and pedaling to his house.

All Richie could do was stand there and watch him slowly fade out of his view. He was in shock too.

"Hey, Richie. Is Eddie here?" A voice asked a few minutes later. Richie turned around. It was Stanley.

"Nah. He left a few minutes ago because you were taking too long." He responds. "Oh." Stanley sighed. "Well if you ever see him again, tell him that I'm sorry for taking so long." "Alright, will do."

Stanley had a small smile on his face. "Thank you, Richie." He said. "No problem." Richie said. "I was supposed to go bird watching with Eddie, but since he's not here, I'm probably just gonna go home." "You don't have to, y'know. I can watch them with you."

"Well, I already told Mike I'd do something with him if it turns out that Eddie isn't here or if he had to cancel, so I'm gonna do that. But thanks, Rich." Stanley walked away to grab his bike. He picked it up, got on it, and biked away from Richie.

Richie did the same thing Stan did a few minutes later, except of course he wasn't getting away from himself.

Since he didn't want to go home, he just biked around town. Sometimes he'd see the other Losers so he would wave to them and they'd wave back.

Sometimes he'd stop by store windows to look inside and see what was going on. There wasn't anything interesting, ever.

Richie eventually went home out of boredom and because the sun was setting. Wentworth's car was in the driveway and Maggie's car wasn't. Richie quickly got off his bike and ran into his house.

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