In the First Week

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So far, things had been good. Well, it was only the first weekend right after their talk. During the weekdays they even had lunch together. Vegas, being literally the co-founder of his companies, could just slip out of his office earlier than the regular employees. Even better, he mostly only needed to work from their home office. Vegas would drive to Pete's work and they would be off to some restaurants.

Going forward, their weekends were solely for each other, Vegas had insisted on it. Every Friday night, Vegas would pick Pete up and drive to the Main Manor. They slept in separate rooms, mind you! Pete's friends were delighted to have him back, the feeling was mutual. Truth to be told, they were getting ready to let each other go again.

They were on the way to the manor when Pete asked Vegas about that one thing that he had not told Pete. And Pete was dying to know!

"Vegas, don't you think it's time for you to tell me how you found me abroad?"

"Uhh... I don't mind telling you actually but I don't know how you'll take it," Vegas smiled rather nervously at Pete.


"Because it was your friend, Arm."

"That snitch!"

"See? Don't take it out on me. If you want to get mad, get mad at him," Vegas refused to shield Arm any further. He was thankful but he would steer clear of Pete's wrath.

"Oh I'm gonna get mad alright!"

"Uhh.. you know, I think we should be thankful to him. We met because he leaked the clue that you were at the airport."

"No. YOU should be thankful to him. And even without him, we would have met here. Why would he help you anyway?"

"Maybe he was sorry for me?"

"And not for me??"

"I mean, would you refuse a helping hand when you needed it?" Vegas laughed nervously.

"You're defending him??"

"He is wrong, 100% wrong! What was he thinking??" Vegas was quick to switch sides.

Pete almost ran to Tankhun's room, leaving Vegas alone in the Main Manor's lobby, flabbergasted. When he saw Arm, he pointed a finger at him and yelled rat! They then hit each other with Tankhun's pillows while Arm shouted that he was sorry. When it was not enough, they rolled around the bed while grabbing each other's hair, one kept yelling rat, and one kept yelling sorry but both refused to let go. Tankhun and Pol were just standing there with their phone cameras rolling. Eventually, they reached an agreement when Arm promised to stock up Pete's favorite curry rice enough for a week's worth.

When Arm got back to his room, there was a rather big paper bag in front of his door. Attached to its handle was a small note that it was from Vegas and Pete. He got inside his room before opening the bag. Inside were two things. A small box containing a watch, the note was a thank-you one for his help. The other was a bottle of wine, the note was to say to bear Pete's anger at him.

Ah so both are from Khun Vegas, Arm concluded. He was smiling ear to ear. He got the better end of the deal it seemed, he only needed to give Pete curry rice after all. He would enjoy the wine together with Pol later.

As both Vegas and Pete did not have any particular plan for a date, they decided to just stay at the manor. They made use of the manor's swimming pool and gym. They also relaxed on one of its many balconies, reading their own books. When Pete got bored reading, he played some games on his handheld, using headphones so as to not disturb Vegas. After a few levels, he got hungry and got up to fetch some food and desserts. He ate with so much gusto that Vegas ended up enjoying the food too.


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