In the Eleventh Week

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**warning sexual content ahead**


Pete initially did not want to stay at the Minor Manor yet. He could turn Vegas' choices down but they said 'it takes two to tango' and Pete did not want Vegas to dance alone. Pete thought that Vegas had done so much for them already, Pete could do something small in return. Therefore, although reluctant Pete had chosen the first choice Vegas offered. A reluctance that was created by yet another question, another doubt, and not to mention that Pete kept pushing it to the back of his mind only to have it poke Pete every chance it got. Pete had wanted to do something first, confirm something first, before they took the next step. And Pete considered him staying at the manor as the next step.

Vegas had said that the time they took would be for them to learn about each other and Pete agreed. However, Pete did not think it that way at all. Pete had also told Vegas that what Vegas did to him would be the blemish that stained their relationship. For that reason, Pete took this time to see how much it would actually hinder them. How much it was gonna hurt. How much it was gonna affect the both of them.

It was also true that so far, they had been good. But that was what Pete feared the most, it was all good but then suddenly it all came crashing down. Pete did not think he and Vegas would be able to take that.

Pete's leg was shaking. The car's aircon was not that cold, but gradually becoming colder and colder. Making Pete's body shiver a little.

"Pete, you are not fine. What's wrong?"

"Hahhh!" Pete suddenly groaned, making Vegas startled. Vegas decided to park their car on the side of the road.

"What? What's wrong? Are you okay? Do we need to see a doctor?"

"No! I mean, I'm fine. But I need to ask you something and you have to answer me truthfully."

"Of course! What do you wanna ask that you are so nervous?"

Pete then reached to the back seat to take his bag, struggling because he forgot to unbuckle his seatbelt. Vegas helped him, frustrated watching his love so nervous.

"Here, let me," he then gave Pete his bag.

Pete rummaged a bit. When he found what he was looking for, he held onto it but kept it inside his bag still. "Vegas," he looked at Vegas intently.

"Yes?" Vegas' face was full of caution and worry, "what is it, baby?"

"Vegas, if I ask you to be my—"

"Are you proposing??" Vegas' face lit up instantly.

"N-no. not exactly! Can you hear me out first?"

"Yes to everything, yes!" Vegas was grinning from ear to ear. It was so contagious that it erased Pete's nervousness and made Pete smile too.

"Vegas!" he could not hide the giddiness in his voice, "what I want to ask you is, if I ask you to be my boyfriend, will you acce—"

"Yes! Definitely Yes!"

"---cept me?" Pete's question was answered before it was fully delivered.

"Now give me the ring! Quick quick!" somehow Vegas had interpreted that there was a ring inside Pete's bag. This was also the first time Pete saw Vegas so childishly impatient, it was too cute!

"Wait, wait, be patient," Vegas was right, Pete then took out a small box that contained a ring and put it on Vegas' finger.

"Where is yours?" Vegas asked while admiring his ring.

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