In the Ninth Week

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Pete's stay at the Minor Manor was much like what it was at the main's. The major difference was that Pete did not need to watch some tv-series with Tankhun. Pete still watched movies, alright, only this time with Macau and Vegas. They also talked a lot, the three of them. Had dinner together, breakfast, and also lunch. Played games together. Worked out together. The only things they did not do together were when showering and sleeping. Vegas did not mind that Macau had been with them. This was also one of his intention of bringing Pete back home.

The stay had been therapeutic for them. But honestly, something had always been in Pete's mind and his stay at the manor amplified it, pushing it to the surface. Vegas had inquired because Pete had been quieter. It was just a business proposal that got stuck, Pete had answered.

"Can we stop at a convenience store?" Pete requested as he patted down his pockets and rummaged through his bag looking for something.

"What are you looking for?"

"My cigs. I think I run out."

"What? Didn't you buy a pack not long ago?" as far as Vegas knew, Pete did not smoke that much, just once in a while. It was curious that he ran out already.

"Yeah, stress and all."

"Pete, are you really okay?"

"Vegas! Just stop somewhere, okay?!" he snapped at Vegas

"Okay, relax, I will."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have," Pete quickly apologized.

"It's okay. Take a deep breath and just relax, okay?"

Vegas had followed Pete out of their car but waited at the designated area for smoking. Vegas had offered his cigarette but they had different tastes. Pete also prohibited Vegas to smoke in the car. When Pete came out, he joined Vegas. Pete used the time to calm himself down before continuing their drive. Pete needed to distract his mind elsewhere, to another problem that he had. So, on their date, Pete asked Vegas to help him with his plan.

"It's involving my grandparents' house. I want to convert it to some kind of villa. I need your help because you are experienced with hotels and I think it's kinda similar? I mean, it's nothing serious, I just need your opinions and maybe pointers here and there?"

"I just oversee the whole process, much like Kinn, we are not actually involved in the management of the hotel itself," Vegas told the truth, he did not want to disappoint Pete by giving the impression that he knew more than he really did, "but, I can have people at our hotels to help you."

"Really? Won't they mind?"

"They won't. It'll be like overtime work for them."

"Ah, about tha–"

"I'll pay them. Please, just let me do this. Please?" Vegas quickly interjected Pete's upcoming refusal.

Pete looked at him, a bit hesitant. His intention was only to ask Vegas for pointers or suggestions or even criticism. However, Pete knew that he was new to the business and he could use all the help he could find and his dearest friend actually had the resources. And Pete also knew that he should not be so proud to refuse such an offer.

"How about we make an agreement? A business agreement between us, a formal one. I don't want it to be a dispute in the future, you know, just in case."

"I'm not gonna lie that I'm not disappointed you don't accept it as it is."

"You've done business most of your life, surely these practices are not foreign to you. Do you know what they say? Don't do business with your friends, you'll ruin the relationship. Not drawing a contract is what leads them to ruin. And it's not just about us, really. What if someday, an auditor or government official comes knocking to audit you? We don't want it to be seen as an illicit transaction, do we?"

"My baby is so smart! You make it then, I'll review it."

"No, you make it, I'll review it. To review business agreements is literally my job."

"Okay then."

"No wait, on second thought, I will make it," Pete just realized if Vegas was to compose it, Vegas would omit any fee incurred or state it as a free service and he would refuse any review Pete made. Pete did not want that, he wanted to calculate all the costs there would be. "I will send you the proposal next weekend."

Vegas looked at Pete with suspicion but let it go. He could just send the proposal or agreement back with reviews here and there if Pete was being ridiculous. Vegas had also asked Pete what happened in the car the other day as he felt that it was more than stress from work. Pete promised to tell him all about it when he was ready. Vegas knew best than to press further.


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