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PLS I have more ideas for this story than I have time to write. I'll get around to them all eventually- ty for your patience!! This part was late because I promised myself I'd update Poles, Goals and Losing Control before I wrote more for this one T_T

Jungkook was a solid weight digging into his lap. He laid across the sofa, arms hanging over the edge and head twisted severely to watch the screen.

It was a good film. One they'd both seen already, again, but they had made a silent agreement to watch every Marvel film together. They'd fucked a few times and after they would curl under a blanket and pick out the next film.

Except today there was no blanket. Jungkook had kicked it off to the dirty rug, confidently claiming he had enough body heat for the both of them.

To say it was distracting was an understatement; while Jungkook sat happily sprawled over him, gaze fixed on the scene, all that stole his attention was his ass.

Not just his ass - though it was worth looking at on it's own - but the dark red streaks that blemished the skin. They looked sore and deep and were almost definitely the reason he was laid on his stomach.

The distinctive lashes of a cane.

Hot but most importantly, he didn't put them there.

No, he'd nudged Jungkook in and stripped him of his clothes to find the lashes embedded in his skin. He made no move to comment on it, initially stunned but quickly shaking off his suprise. It was useful, being able to prod and squeeze the sore flesh. Making the sub cry and squirm brought him a sick satisfaction, moreso than it would have otherwise.

Because there was only one person who was likely beat his sub that way. With a perfect cane just as he wanted. The man who had so happily handed over a card as though stealing his new sub was a business decision.

Jungkook slept with Jimin.

Taehyung hadn't expected to feel any sort of jealously but he couldn't think of anything else to explain away the irritation that rumbled in his chest. Jungkook was his. Of all people for him to sleep with did it have to be Jimin?

No, it couldn't be jealously then. Because it was just Jimin.

A wandering hand traced along one of the streaks; Jungkook shivered beneath the gentle touch but didn't seem to think much of it.

Still, Taehyung couldn't take his eyes off of the marks. He craved to find something stronger, sharper, to find something harder that he could use to bury the marks under a fresh layer of bruises. But Jungkook couldn't take that, they were still going slow. Even with the crop when they had played with it again his sub had called out to slow down through soft sobs and shaky breaths.

Of course he complied and massaged the area until his breathing had steadied and he signalled to continue.

Those bruises barely lasted two days, faint plum tones fading into a rash like blemish then back to the usual pale colour of his skin, invisible.

That was the only time he'd been able to leave lasting damage.

He couldn't help himself. He had to know. How hard had he been hit to leave these marks? How much had he cried? How long had they lasted?

"When did you see Jimin?"

Jungkook didn't notice his voice for a moment, then he slowly turned his head from the screen. "Huh?"

And he couldn't help himself again as his gentle touch dimpled into the red lash. "Jimin, when?"

Jungkook's brows furrowed, features tightening with a controlled inhale in response to the pain. "Monday, why? I thought you're okay with us sleeping with other people,"

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