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Back from hiatus :'D
Thank you to everyone still here!!
I needed a break because I'd just gotten a third job around when I was writing this and I was always too tired to write anything 🥲

But seeing the comments on this fic really motivated me to come back to it and finish this update now I have a bit of a break!

This is the 2nd longest chap in the fic so far too (I can't do 10k again sorry T_T)

Taehyung wasn't trying to avoid his manager.

It was odd, for once he was going about his day, talking to the customers, doing his job, and even actively looking for Seokjin.

But he didn't run into him.

It was slightly irritating but Taehyung knew he didn't really deserve credit for his work, one day of doing his job wouldn't mitigate all the time he spent slacking.

A heaviness settled in his chest with determination, he embraced the weight, ready to tackle the mess he'd created for himself. Almost immediately his limbs set in stubborn fatigue but as he kicked a loose receipt further beneath a shelving unit out of view he sighed and toddled back along to do his work.

He hadn't expected his coworkers to notice his shift, he hardly remembered half their names and he expected no more care in return.

They did notice though. Little smiles and looks of awe, nervous glances that confused him. It wasn't as though he were doing anything spectacular. Perhaps after his usual subpar effort this really did seem extraordinary.

After five hours of cleaning, restocking and being somewhat helpful to whoever pestered him in the moment, he was desperate for a break.

A deserved one, he thought, as he skulked back away to the staff room. Hiding in plain sight for a change, it was almost liberating enough to compensate for the ache in his feet and the tension in his neck.

He threw himself down into the hard plastic seat, willing himself not to slump forward and smack his head on the table.

He took a deep breath, and then another, hoping to ease the tension from his tired limbs. Embracing any sort of tiredness that wasn't from drinking or getting fucked was disconcerting, as if he'd been possessed.

There wouldn't be any extra pay for his work, he reminded himself, no real reward, gratitude from the coworkers he didn't care for maybe, less pestering from his manager, though the easy work around of never picking up the phone sufficed with far less effort.

And yet he felt compelled to continue, to keep an eye on the time as to not ridiculously exceed his break just to stagger home and fall into Jimin's bed, if all went well Jungkook should have the evening off too.

He wanted to do better.

After a few long minutes he slumped over, rubbing his tired eyes and pulling out his phone. He responded to Hoseok, Jungkook, sent off a quick message to Jimin, a simple nag to hopefully steal his attention while working. As he sat waiting for a response he eyed his notifications.

Skimming over each of them one little phrase caught his eye. See me tomorrow.

He dragged down the message from his manager, ready it in its unadulterated entirety, spying the numerous calls he'd blanked, slept through, he couldn't quite remember.

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