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✧༺♥༻∞ part one ∞༺♥༻✧

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✧༺∞ part one ∞༻✧

"It's answer B."

Your brain fails to compute the sentence, instead shutting off the world again as you continue your deep sleep.

Until, that is, someone to your left elbows you in the boob.

"What the..." taking your head off of your arms you sit up straight, trying to get a better grasp of your surroundings. To your right, you see Felix looking at you with wide eyes. You look to the teacher of your lecture at the front of the class and, of course, he is staring straight back at you. You look back at your blonde haired friend, who's mouthing the letter, 'B' over and over.

"B?" You say out loud, your answer coming off as a question as your voice comes out deep from sleep.

"The correct answer, however it would have been more beneficial if Mr Lee hadn't have given the answer to you. And, for the love of god, please stop falling asleep in my classes," your professor sighs, paying his attention back to teaching the rest of the students.

"Thanks for the help, Lix," you say to him sleepily. He just gives you a warm smile back.

"Um, hello? If I didn't wake you up you'd never have given him an answer in the first place," Hyunjin says with an annoyed tone from the left of you.

"All you did was assault me, pervert," you say to him with an eye roll. He scoffs and pushes your shoulder. You pretend it's the sorest thing you've ever felt and flop over Felix, clutching your shoulder. Hyunjin just gives you his signature disgusted look before paying his attention back to the lecture.

"Why are you so tired for, anyway?" Felix asks you quietly, and Hyunjin turns to face you to listen to your answer.

"I have this stupid dance thing I need to do for this showcase one of our dance teachers signed me up for, and I have never been more uninterested in learning a dance in my entire life," you moan. "It's so mundane. It literally sends me to sleep every time I try to learn it."

"That bad huh?" Felix whispers. You widen your eyes and nod your head.

"I'll show you it later and you'll understand where I'm coming from," you reply. "It's only the second week of semester one and I've already given up."

Hyunjin, Felix and you were third years in university, the three of you studying the same dance course. You'd banded together after being paired for the group practical dance exam last December, quickly realising you were probably the three most capable dancers on your course. You'd nailed the exam, gone out for drinks to celebrate and been close friends ever since.

"We can go to the rec later today to see it, since we finish classes early today," Hyunjin says, and you nod your head. The rec was what everyone called the recreational dance studio. There were a number of studios in the arts department, including the rec (the more run down, lesser used studio), the more modern set of studios in the new dance building which were used constantly and lastly the huge, high ceilinged building that stood separately. It was where classes were taught and it was gorgeous, the interior grand and old fashioned, but you had to book to use it out with class hours.

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