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✧༺♥༻∞ part five ∞༺♥༻✧

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✧༺∞ part five ∞༻✧

Despite your mind being in a million different places whilst you were performing your mid semester exam, thoughts of Minho circulating whilst also fighting off whatever illness you'd contracted, you passed with a great mark. Hyunjin and Felix did too, so naturally the three of you treated yourselves to a meal out to celebrate. You couldn't concentrate on your sticky chicken, though, since the only thing you could think about was your life altering encounter with the annoying cat man.

You'd gotten the situation all wrong. In fact, you couldn't be any further from the truth. Minho had admitted to being pretty much infatuated with you, perhaps even more than you were with him. He'd also let it slip that he actually did have a heart under that ice cold demeanour, and that was more terrifying than anything. He didn't kiss you that night because he didn't want to take advantage of your fucked headspace, not because he wasn't attracted to you, which you'd naturally assumed was the case.

You hadn't told anyone. Not even Seungmin who, although you knew he wouldn't tell the other guys, you couldn't bear to admit the words Minho had said to you to him. He'd instantly realised something was up, able to practically read your mind at this point, when you'd returned from your dance practice on Wednesday with shell shock. You'd brushed him off, though, blaming it on your illness and retiring to your room for the night.

You'd debated telling him for the rest of the week, desperate to get a second opinion, but you'd pushed it to the back of your mind to focus on your exam. When it got to the weekend, and you were finally ready to spill your guts, you realised you had totally forgot it was a long weekend, no classes going ahead on Monday for some national holiday. This had led to your dormmates, (including Seungmin) going home to visit their families.

Unluckily for you, you'd been instantly rejected from being allowed to stay with your family in Busan for multiple reasons. Firstly, your grandmother, who was pushing 90, was living with your mum and dad, and you didn't want to risk bringing your illness home to her. Secondly, it took a while to get from Seoul to Busan. You didn't have a car and spending ten hours total on public transport just to be at home for 48 hours didn't seem like a good idea. So, you'd been left with the dorm to yourself for the weekend, attempting to nurse yourself back to health.

You were pretty shocked when the buzzer rang whilst you were in your pajamas, not expecting company. You'd just had a shower, turned the tv on and prepared to order in some food, when all of a sudden you hear it ring. Huffing in a mood, you grudgingly heave yourself up off the den of blankets you'd created on your couch to buzz the person in.

You'd expected it to maybe be Felix or Hyunjin, the two of them knowing you were at home alone for the weekend and potentially coming to spend time with you. You even thought it may have been Jeongin, who you'd started growing closer to over the past month.

You did not, however, expect it to be the man of the hour. Lee Minho himself, clad in comfortable clothing and a wine bottle in hand.

"What the fuck are you doing here," you couldn't help but say, rolling your head dramatically as you turned on your heel after opening the door and flopping back onto the sofa. You couldn't be bothered to deal with him right now, your plans for the night seemingly thrown out the window.

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