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✧༺♥༻∞ part two ∞༺♥༻✧

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✧༺∞ part two ∞༻✧

You spend the next week attending your classes, and using every spare moment you have to practice your choreography for Saturday. By Friday, you're sleep deprived, fed up, and exhausted. You've never practiced so hard for a competition like this before, but you knew that if you didn't win with your new choreo, Ms Kwon would be furious and blame it on the fact you'd changed her dance.

So that's how you came to be in the rec for the fifth night in the row, practicing until you couldn't practice any more. Hyunjin and Felix had joined you a couple times, but they had plans to see their friends tonight. They'd invited you, but you'd declined. They understood that you were stressed about tomorrow, and didn't push the topic too much.

They also knew that you'd had an earful from Doha when he'd replied to your texts the day after you went out with the boys, claiming you'd blown him off for them. You'd argued that he was the one that hadn't replied to you, so you hadn't blown him off at all, but he wasn't having any of it. When you told Sooyun over FaceTime the next day, she didn't seem to bothered, instead telling you she thought it was fine for you to go out with the boys rather than hanging out with Doha. They whole call had seemed strange to you, though you put it to the back of your mind.

You'd been texting Doha less frequently, too stressed about the competition to worry about him and his mood swings. He claimed he was struggling with his uni course and you understood that, so you gave him the space he needed. Honestly, though, you could have really used some moral support from your boyfriend.

You finished going over the dance for the eighth time of the night, practically falling to a heap on the floor when you finished. It was nine pm on a Friday night, so you were the only person in the rec, which you were thankful for. You'd been recording yourself dancing to see where you were making mistakes, and when you watched the recording over again the mistakes started screaming at you through the screen. Every time you fucked up, it grated on you more and more. You'd practiced so many times, you should be nailing it by now.

You were snapped out your thoughts when the door of the rec opened, and you quickly turned to see who'd come in. To your surprise, Minho was walking in nonchalantly, car keys in hand with an almost bored expression.

"Minho?" You questioned, trying to calm your breathing due to being so out of breath from overworking yourself.

"Hey," he said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. You'd only met the man once, yet he was acting as though the two of you regularly interacted one on one, which you obviously did not.

"Why are you here?" Confusion evident on your face, he walked over and leaned against the mirrored wall, crossing his arms and looking down at you. "Weren't you at the bar with the guys?"

"I was, but Felix told us you were here practicing again for your showcase," as if that answered any of your questions. When you raised an eyebrow, he continued. "They all got drunk really quickly, and I wasn't drinking, so I thought I'd come and see this dance you struggling with instead."

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