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✧༺♥༻∞ part four ∞༺♥༻✧

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✧༺∞ part four ∞༻✧

"Jesus, you're soaking, come in," Minho rushes. You're honestly surprised he's in on a Friday night, but you're not complaining. He runs a hand through his messy brown hair, furrowing his eyebrows as he steps aside. "What are you doing here?"

Your voice catches in your throat when you attempt to answer him. What were you doing here? Sure, he'd told you that you could talk to him if you wanted to, but Hyunjin and Felix were also ten minutes down the road. So why had you come to Minho's? Maybe you'd never know.

"Honestly? I'm not sure," you rush, taking off your jacket and placing it on his outstretched arm. "You said you'd listen if I needed to talk shit about my ex, and I don't know if you were being serious, but -"

"I was," he cuts you off, placing your jacket on a radiator in his hallway. "Your ex?" 

"My ex," you confirm. He raises his eyebrows with a sigh.

"Why don't I give you some dry clothes to change into, open a bottle of wine, and we can talk all about it?" He offers. You only nod, following him to wherever he was going. You end up standing outside his bedroom, nervously teetering in the doorframe as he picks out clothes for you to wear. Once he's done so, he places the clothes in your arms.

"You can change here. I'll be in the living room," he gives you a half smile before turning on his heel. You close his bedroom door, changing into a pair of grey joggers similar to the ones he's wearing, and a loose fitting t-shirt. It's only when you look at yourself in his mirror, clad in his clothing, that you start thinking this was a stupid idea.

Despite yourself, once changed you join Minho in his living room, where he's got two wine glasses and a bottle of red on his coffee table. He looks up at you with an expression you can't really decipher as you take a seat on the sofa, keeping a small distance between the two of you.

"So," he starts, breaking the silence and pouring you a glass. "I take it something happened for you to come here?"

"Yeah," you take a sip instantly, needing alcohol to get through the situation you'd created for yourself. "I was going to talk to Seungmin about it, but he was out with his team."

Minho nods. "What happened?"

You sigh, holding your glass as you lean back into his sofa. "It's a long story."

"We have all night," he points out, taking a drink from his own glass.

"I was meant to go talk to Doha today, question him about if he was seeing someone else," you start to explain, trying to keep your story as short as possible. The quiet sound of whatever show Minho was watching plays on the tv, helping to reduce the awkward silence between your words. "I went, expecting him to say yes, whatever, and go our separate ways. I wasn't going to cause a fuss since I knew we weren't working out, but that didn't happen."

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