chapter 13

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getting john b home, after.. well, everything, was a whole workout. all four of us had to carry him home, and straight after our argument too. it wasn't the best setting if i'm honest, he was carried in complete silence.

all four of us were mad at each other, but mainly mad at the fact that our 'incognito plan' didn't work.

none of us were able to stay with john b for the night, so we just had to put him to bed and promised we'd all come check on him early in the morning.

*time skip*

"hey mom.." i say as i walk into the house, trying to sound as innocent as possible. "what did you do, natalie?" she asks. "w-what?" i question her. "what did you do." she repeats.

"nothing! where the hell did that come from?" i defend myself. "i can tell by the tone of your voice that you've done something, so come on just tell me." she laughs, patting the seat on the sofa next to her, telling me to sit down.

"so i didn't do anything," i explain, emphasising the 'i'. "but john b got into a fight." i tell her. she sighs, "how did it happen?" she asks. "just the kooks being kooks, mum." i say, standing up to go to my room.

"okay, is he alright?" she asks, her tone full of concern. "yes he's okay mum," i smile at her. "me,
jj, pope and kiara took him home." i say, starting to walk upstairs. "good girl, goodnight honey." she says.

"goodnight mum, love you." i say, reaching the top of the stairs and walking into my room. the second i closed my bedroom door, i threw my clothes off and changed into some shorts and jj's shirt he probably left by accident when he came over the other day.

i brushed through my knotty hair and threw my head down to put it into a bun. the second i threw my hair back up i notice a face in my window.

"JJ!" i scream in pure terror. it was the biggest fright i think i've ever had. "sorry!" he apologises as i open my window and he climbs through. "i didn't think your mom would let me in at this time." he shrugs.

"of course she would've! you know how much she loves you, you idiot!" i roll my eyes. "oh yeah,
true girlie!" he says twirling his hair around his finger, acting gay. "shut up, jj." i laugh, walking into my bathroom.

"is it okay if i stay here, i understand if not?" he asks softly. "don't be silly, of course you can." i say, starting to brush my teeth as he follows me into the bathroom.

"so you're not mad at me about the gun thing are you?" he asks, regret taking over his tone. "obviously not jay, i would've done the exact same thing, if i'm honest, that was what i was going to tell you to do, you had the same idea as me, i guess." i chuckled.

"oh thank god, kiara and pope have already bit my head off," he laughs nervously. "yes but i won't do that," i said, ruffling his hair as i walked past him and back into my room.

*time skip*

jj changed into a different t-shirt of his that was
lying around in my room and into some shorts he had in his bag.

"i'm glad you're not mad at me," he whispered, climbing into bed and pulling the covers over us, i could tell he was smiling by the way he said it.

he's a flirt - jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now