Chapter 3

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  'Laura, don't sweat it,' Gerard insisted, 'let them think whatever they want.' 

  I sighed with exasperation. 'Gee, it's different for you! If boys think you got up to something with a girl behind the PE cabin, it might actually make you more popular. If this rumour spreads, I'm labelled as a slut for the remainder of my high school days.'

  I could tell that Gerard was stopping himself from saying, 'and what?' and I was glad that he did. He exhaled slowly. Eventually, he replied, 'I don't know what to say, Laure. I'm sorry,' he shook his head, 'I thought it would be fun, hiding out together.'

  We walked on towards Frank's house. Glancing up at Gerard, who was looking at me, too, I felt all my worry, my anger, dissipate. His hazel eyes melted everything else away. I felt my lips curling up into a smile, and allowed them to do so. 'Don't apologise. It was fun.'

  I had barely finished my sentence when Gerard wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me tightly into him, and my own arms automatically flew around his waist; the type of hug that felt like it was squishing the whole world back together. For a moment, as we clumsily walked together, entwined in each other's arms, I forgot about everything else, and just absorbed this feeling; this comfort, the smell of his jacket, the feeling of his cheek resting on the top of my head, his hand on my shoulder.

  'You're my best friend, Laura,' he murmured against my hair, 'if anyone actually believes anything was happening today, they're more stupid than we thought.'

  I sighed, but didn't say anything. They didn't have to believe it to spread it. It was the weekend, now, though, and I wouldn't have to think about that again until Monday morning.

  We arrived at Frank's place just as the sun started to dip a little lower in the sky. Now that it was Autumn, the days very quickly got shorter; within a few weeks, we'd be able to see stars peeking through as early as 5:30pm. All the better for nights in with the boys. We didn't knock to enter Frank's little house, knowing that his parents would still be at work, and each of our houses were like second, third and fourth homes to us, anyway. Inside, Frank and Ray were already sprawled out on the sofa, school clothes shed in favour of pajama pants; Frank's printed with Pacman characters, Ray's with the Batman logo. It was a heartwarming sight, and I was excited to change into my own PJs and climb in between them.

  'Alright, it's about time,' Frank retorted, sitting up on the sofa. 'Chinese food is already on the way, and we've decided on the movie without you. Hey, where's Mikey?'

  Gerard tossed his overnight bag onto the worn-out, leather armchair. 'He's on his way, he wanted to put gas in the car so he's driving over. He may or may not stop for some snacks.' 

  Frank nodded, satisfied with the explanation, and Gerard took of his jacket, throwing it beside the bag. From the bag, he pulled out his skeleton onesie, and held it up against his body, as if to check it would still fit.

  Ray laughed. 'Hey, the first of the year!'

  Gerard chuckled, nodding in agreement. 'Yeah, the temperature dropped below 65 today. I thought it was time.' He proceeded to take off his jeans and shirt and climb into the long-sleeved onesie, zipping it up once he was in. 'Yup,' he muttered approvingly, 'I reckon I'll get at least another year out of it.'

  I was also changing into my plaid shorts and an old Guns 'n' Roses t-shirt, which served as my nightwear. Having been friends for so long, there was no self-consciousness when it came to getting undressed, but as we'd grown up, the boys had developed the decency to look away, focusing instead on setting up the film and admiring Gerard's outfit.

  There wasn't really enough room for the four of us on the sofa, but we piled on together anyway. I squeezed into my usual spot between Frank and Ray, with Gerard at the end of the row beside Ray. Ray pressed play on the remote, and the title credits of An American Werewolf in London began to roll. After approximately thirty seconds, during which Frank switched off the light, Ray paused the film again and announced, 'Oh! Gerard, I need to ask you something.'

  Only the glow from the black-and-white TV screen faintly illuminated Gerard's face. 'Oh yeah?'

  'Do you remember Lacey, from Adam's birthday party? Blue hair? You were talking to her for a while.'

  Gerard nodded. 'Yeah, I remember. What about her?'

  'Well,' Ray continued, 'I ran into her yesterday at the coffee shop and she asked me to...well, she asked me to set you guys up.'

  Even though the light made his face look grey, I could tell that he was blushing. Frank beat me to it in making fun, crooning, 'Ooooooh, Gerard has a girlfriend!' and reaching across to playfully bash his arm. I laughed, adding, 'Gerard and Lacey, sitting in a tree...'

  By this time, Gerard was laughing, too. 'Hey, come on, I haven't even said yes, yet!' 

  Ray's understated laughter let us know what was coming next. 'Well...actually, you have. You're going for dinner on Wednesday at 7.'

  'Ray!' Gerard protested, but it was too late to do anything about it now. So, he joined in with our laughter, and graciously accepted our merciless teasing. 

  As soon as Mikey arrived, along with our takeout, Ray resumed the movie, and we settled in for the night. 

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