Author's Note/Disclaimer

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Thee Wattpad Hottie is BACK and better than ever!!! If you're here from any of my other books, welcome back and thank you for liking me enough to return! If you're new around here, welcome! I'm glad you're here, but please make sure you've at least read Woke, before proceeding with this book:)

As always, I have a few things I'd like to make note of before we jump into the story:

The following works is completely of my own ideas, thoughts, and experiences. Any similar stories/writings are purely coincidental and not affiliated with me or my writings. I obtain the full rights to this story. Please do not steal my work. Not only will I want to dog walk your ass, I'll consider suing. That's messy.

The setting of this story takes place in a small college town in Virginia, in 2021-'22. Kiara and Chris are now juniors in college. I kinda felt it'd be a bit poetic for them to meet for the first time as high school juniors and reunite as college juniors. Hopefully they've matured a bit since the last book!

I needed to find a way for Kiara and Chris to reunite in a way that made at least a little sense. I didn't want Kiara going to Georgetown because it doesn't match her character arc, and Chris' character would not support non-Black people attending HBCUs (neither do I, whoops). I say this to make it clear that I only transferred Kiara to a PWI as part of her storyline. I do not look down on HBCUs in the slightest (I actually wish I'd went to one), and I hope no part of this story makes it seem like neither I nor Kiara does.

There are controversial things that will happen in this story. I want y'all to know I don't romanticize or condone it. But I wanted to be realistic and a lot of times (at least in my personal experience) people believe the end justifies the means, no matter who gets hurt in the process. I apologize to anyone that may become triggered or have experienced betrayal or hurt by someone you love.

The story isn't complete. I've been having some serious writer's block with this one (and life was beating my ass this past year), so updates will take longer than with previous books. I'm sorry about that.

As always, I enjoy when you guys comment! Please don't hesitate to do so, even if it's a question or criticism. Just be niceeee

That's all for now! Hope you enjoy the sequel:)

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