Seven Gates of Hell

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 York County, Pennsylvania. This town is now both a historic site visited by many to seek the portal of hell. There are seven gates that will lead you to hell, yet only one is visible during the day.

There was a mental institution for the criminally insane that was located on Trout Run Road, in Hellam Township, Pennsylvania. Trout Run Road appears to be the only road mapped to this date. It's in this historic & quaint town, somewhere deep in the woods. The asylum, as they were back in the days, was built in a remote location so that the townspeople wouldn't be near the insanity within. This remote location proved to be difficult for help to arrive when a massive fire broke out. Resulting in multiple inmates & staff dying in the blazed building.

The gates were built by the local search parties to trap any of the remaining patients. The search party was told to beat the escaped inmates to death when found. The gates were simply another way to trap & kill the unwanted. As mentioned before, there is only one gate that can be seen during the day, the other six appear at night.

Short Story

"If you go through all seven gates, you will then be taken directly to hell. It's said that no one has ever made it past the 5th gate & returned to tell the tale," stated Sam. "Some cults have even been attracted due to its connection to the underworld," she finished.

"I heard there was another version though. A less famous one at that." Brandon said.

Sam nodded and said, "Yeah, there is another tale behind the seven gates to hell. No one tells it because it's less attractive and less scary."

"You should tell that one too, right?" Eric said. "Who knows, it might make scaredy pants shiver," he finished while he glanced at Charlotte.

"Screw you. You shivered while she told this one, punk. Keep going Sam," Charlotte fired back.

Sam laughed before she began explaining the other story behind the seven gates of hell. "They say the gates were built by a physician in the early 1900's. This physician was known to be eccentric as well as psychotic. And he was who owned the property and the one gate known to exist." Sam scanned her friends who sat around the campfire before she finished. "Some even said the gates lead ever deeper into the woods as they progress. His motivations are unknown but the mystery has become local love for over 100 years now."

"That's it?" Eric asked. Sam nodded to his question as she noticed a look of disappointment on his face.

"The town always denied that there was ever an Asylum or a psychotic physician in the town. There was a physician, but he wasn't insane. The physician himself even denied knowing the gates that lead to hell," Sam said.

"Duh they wouldn't know about the Asylum. It was built in a remote part of the woods away from the townspeople. They possibly only found out while helping with the search party. Even then they were told to off them on sight," Raine finished.

Everyone sitting around the fire nodded to his statement. "He's got a point. That's kind of messed up though," Eric added.

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