06. love is an open door

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love is an open door

        PHOEBE HONESTLY DID not know what her friends were thinking when the decided that they were going to perform Fabulous for Corbin Bleu when he got to camp

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        PHOEBE HONESTLY DID not know what her friends were thinking when the decided that they were going to perform Fabulous for Corbin Bleu when he got to camp. It was a bit too much and if they were going to do a song for him, they should at least have it be The Boys Are Back or I Don't Dance.

She'd chosen to stay out of their performance and instead stayed in the cabin. She'd gotten dressed in a simple black tank top and baggy jeans. She didn't want to try that hard but it was Corbin Bleu and their first read-through.

        Phoebe headed to the barn afterwards, figuring that's where everyone was when she didn't see them at the pool. She walked in on everyone warming up.

        "Phoebe, there you are!" EJ exclaimed. "Where were you? We've been looking for you."

        "Did it not occur to you that I was in my cabin?" Phoebe tilted her head. "Where I literally told you I was going to be?"

        Phoebe walked away from him and over to Nick and Clara. She started warming up with them, doing a few breathing exercises to calm her nerves.

        "Okay, he really is coming this time," EJ announced. "Everyone, act like you're taking this serious and warming up."

        "That is literally what they're doing, EJ," Val stated. "Take it down to a three. You're at a seven out of ten."

        The doors to the barn opened and Corbin Bleu walked in, the cameraman following behind him. "Corbin's on the clock. It's go-time."

        "Mr. Bleu, sir, we have a killer first read-through plan for today," EJ informed him.

"Right," Corbin walked further into the barn.

"Okay, yeah, you make the rounds, good."

        "Isn't that the Traitor girl?" Corbin pointed to Phoebe. Of course she'd had strange interactions since Traitor blew up, but Corbin Bleu knowing of her existence was truly surreal. "What's her name?"

        "My name is Phoebe Miller," Phoebe answered.

        Corbin nodded and moved on, pausing at Kourtney. "Dope outfit."

        "Kourtney," she pointed at him.

        "Keep warming up, gang," Corbin instructed. "We're gonna check some sound levels."

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