14. see you later

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see you later

        "HALF HOUR CALL, everybody," Maddox announced, and Phoebe felt like she was going to throw up

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"HALF HOUR CALL, everybody," Maddox announced, and Phoebe felt like she was going to throw up. Two weeks had turned into half an hour? Already? Phoebe took a deep breath and rested her head against her hands.

        "Greetings, theater children," Channing walked backstage. "Listen up. You see this camera? There are another 10 of them planted throughout the theater. It all comes down to tonight, okay? Big new announcement. We will be live streaming tonight's Frozen performance on Disney+ in order to drum up interest in our documentary."

        Phoebe's eyes widened and she felt like she was going to faint while Carlos shrieked.

        "Save the scream for on stage, snowman," Channing told him. "When you find out your carrot's been replaced by a stick of dynamite."

        "Dude, what are you talking about?" Ricky wondered.

        "I may throw a few things at you guys, last minute," Channing announced. "It — it's fun stuff to shake up the show."

        "You mean different than how we rehearsed it?" Gina questioned.

        "You guys were so great at that last rehearsal, remember?" Channing responded. "We need that, but more. Okay? So just change some dialogue, slap each other."

        "Oh, I'm gonna slap someone alright," Clara mumbled. Nick gripped her hand and gave it a small squeeze.

        "That. That is what we need," Channing nodded at Clara. "Let's all have that energy."

        "We can do that," EJ decided.

        "What?" everyone immediately replied.

        "No, we will do that."

        "Excellent. Okay. Have fun, all right? At each other's expenses," Channing laughed. "And if you aren't trending in Brazil at midnight, you haven't done your jobs. Okay? Yay!"

        "I'm gonna strangle him," Clara stated, turning to EJ. "And then I'm gonna strangle you. What the hell was that?"

        "Elijah, even I think we shouldn't pull each other's wigs off," Carlos spoke up.

        "Settle down!" EJ interrupted everyone. "You guys, I was acting, okay? To get that jerk off our backs."

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