08. the love triangle

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the love triangle

        "MORNING, GUYS," EJ greeted when everyone walked into the barn the next day for an early pre-rehearsal meeting

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        "MORNING, GUYS," EJ greeted when everyone walked into the barn the next day for an early pre-rehearsal meeting. "Come on in. We don't have much time."

        "Take a seat," Maddox motioned to the sign beside her, Carlos, and EJ. Phoebe got a bad feeling in her stomach but did as told.

        "Can we have everyone's attention please?" Carlos asked.

        "Thanks for coming in early, guys," EJ began. "We've been up all night—"

        "Look, this better be good because in here it's still last night," Kourtney tapped her head.

        "We've been working on a plan to save the show," EJ revealed. "And give Corbin and that Channing guy the reality show style juice that they really want."

        "Wait, hold up," Clara raised a finger. "Save the show? What does that mean?"

        "He just wants a little more. . . excitement from us," EJ explained. "Y'know, like, a little more—"

        "He thinks we're boring!" Carlos blurted. "He's actually missing our rehearsal today to scout out the kids at Deep Lake Camp in Temecula."

        "That can't be a real place," Ricky whispered, leaning over to Phoebe.

        "But not to worry because we have a plan," Carlos went on. "And it starts with five little letters."

        "Allow me," Val removed the sign to reveal a second one with The RCOSL written on it.

        "Watch what happens, fam!"

        "Ricosil?" Gina read.

        "No," Carlos pointed to the sign. "It's The Real Campers of Shallow Lake. The franchise I was always destined to join. I mean, you were."

        "Look, it's easy," EJ promised. "You know how normally we act like regular people, we pick up on social cues, and we care about each other's feelings?"

Gina laughed. "Do we?"

"Yes we do," EJ told her. "But now that's over."

"Because the key to any great reality show is the three Bs," Carlos announced. "Bombshells, betrayals and bitch slaps."

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