• Academic Issues •

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A bright light shines on the stage, showcasing a very lovely young lady called Divya.

Divya: Why, hello there, audience! I know all of you have had problems in school before and that’s exactly what we’re here to talk about! Ever had a teacher disregard your learning methods?

On a projection that covers the whole wall behind her, an image appears:

Divya: Or maybe your friends are slacking on a group project that you totally could have aced on your own?

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Divya: Or maybe your friends are slacking on a group project that you totally could have aced on your own?

Divya: Well, today, you’ll receive some advice on how to combat these and more! Welcome to this very fun article on the academic issues students face everywhere!

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Divya: Well, today, you’ll receive some advice on how to combat these and more! Welcome to this very fun article on the academic issues students face everywhere!

Onto the stage walks Zohra, Adiba, and Mags.

Divya: Well, that’s all from me till a bit later. I’ll leave you to Mags!

Divya sits on a prop chair in the middle of the stage and begins eating popcorn handful after handful.

Mags: Thanks, Divi! (turns to the audience) So, we have lots in store for you today, including lovely quotes, an engaging story, tips and tricks, and lots and lots of memes! So, let’s take a crack out of Divya’s introduction and give some more examples of unconventional school methods. Um, Zo, you wanna take over for this?

Zohra: With pleasure! So, know when you just can’t wake up even though you have an exam the next day? Or when the teacher gives you NO break between assignments? Yeah, well, lucky for you, we have memes galore, as well as some advice.

Zohra: With pleasure! So, know when you just can’t wake up even though you have an exam the next day? Or when the teacher gives you NO break between assignments? Yeah, well, lucky for you, we have memes galore, as well as some advice

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