Chapter One

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You know that feeling when summer comes around and you feel free? Well that’s how I felt, I didn’t have a care in the world … I was just excited that I get to spend my entire summer with my best friend doing anything we wanted! Lauren and I have been inseparable since the first grade; we became really close and have been best friends for almost thirteen years. Throughout our friendship we have had many adventures but nothing compares to the one we experienced just one month ago.

                It all started when Lauren and I were at a local restaurant, we sat in a little corner where we couldn’t be seen by many but we could see everything and everyone.

“I’ll take an order of French fries and so will my friend, thank you.” I said to the waitress.

“So what are we going to do today?” Lauren asked me with excitement.

“Well let’s just eat our fries and then head out for some fun at the mall.” I replied

After about ten minutes we got our order of fries. I started to take one out one by one trying to be classy, but then eventually I just ended up shoving the fries in my face. As we were looking through the glass Lauren and I noticed a guy pacing back and forth, occasionally he looked our way and stared at us for a few seconds. This made Lauren very uncomfortable, I didn’t blame her.

“Lexi, can we please leave, I don’t think it’s a good idea to stay…” Lauren exclaimed.

“Sure, let me just leave money for the fries and let’s go.” I replied.

I put down money for the French fries on the table and thanked the waitress.

“Who do you think that is, you don’t think that’s…?” She asked me with a hint of worry in her voice.

“Nah, I don’t think so, now let’s go before the mall gets crowded.” I said to change to the topic.

As Lauren and I left the restaurant I saw the man stop dead in his tracks looking straight at us. “I don’t like the way he is looking at us.” I said with an uneasy voice.

“Me neither, here let’s start to walk faster maybe we can lose him.” Lauren answered.

Our slow paced walk turned into a fair pace, the man also began to walk in a rather faster pace. On no I thought it couldn’t be him, no… not today….

“Alright lets walk faster; we can probably shake him and lose him in a crowd.” I suggested

Our pace increased once again, his did also, shoot I thought.

“Forget this run!” I shouted to Lauren.

The man was running after us…

Great just great... I knew this was going to happen but why today?

We were running, our lungs gasping for air, but we could not stop.

He was getting closer…

Lauren and I were jumping over puddles and cracked sidewalks. My mind was racing with so many thoughts, what about Lauren this could not be easy for her. I told her not to date that psychotic boy, he was nothing but trouble. We ran into the park hoping to somehow get him off our trail. It was getting darker.  Lauren and I were running full speed. Suddenly Lauren tripped over a rock; I picked her up revealing an open wound.

“Let’s go” I screeched.

It was too late; he had already grabbed Lauren tightly by her wrists.

“Finally, I’ve got you two, now let’s go or else…” He began.

“You can’t take the fact that Lauren dumped you, can you?”  I said

“Let go of me you pig!” Lauren screamed as she spit in his face.

“Were not going anywhere with you!” I yelled as I kicked him in his shin.

“Big mistake you two, now I’m not going to tell you again, let’s go or else!” His voice was much more serious.

Crap, this was the end of us, what now…

Liam’s POV: I really need to go for a jog; I need some exercise I thought. I left my hotel wearing a plain white t-shirt and some shorts; I really didn’t care what I looked like. As I jogged into the park I saw two girls struggling against a man. I knew they needed my help; I started running towards the scene.

Lexi’s POV: I saw someone getting closer to us, I was hoping he would help us, but I didn’t want to ask him to get involved. As he got closer I realized that his face was familiar, I knew him from somewhere but I couldn’t quite see in the dark.

Liam’s POV: I saw the man grab the girls, he was pulling their arms, and no man should ever lay a hand on a woman, ever!

I curled my fingers into a fist as I got closer to him trying to relieve my anger.

“Hey, what are you doing?” I asked as if I haven’t seen what actually occurred.

“Nothing just taking a walk, right girls? Right GIRLS?” He said as he pulled their arms to respond.

“Let go of them, they obviously don’t want to be touched.” I replied as nicely as I could.

“Now who asked you?”  He answered harshly.

“Chill, I don’t want any problems, okay? Just let go of them.” I replied as calmly as I could.

“Gladly!” he said with an evil smirk slapped across his face.

The two girls were relieved; I could see red marks stretching from their wrists to their arms. The blonde one wasn’t as scared I could tell she wanted to attack the guy but she was holding back, as for the brunette she was a bit terrified. I wanted to comfort them, but what do I say?

“It’s okay, here why don’t go back to my place and I can help you out?” I directed towards the girls but they seemed uneasy. That’s right, what was I thinking… I’m a total stranger to them they wouldn’t just go to another stranger’s house…

“Hey! You! I’m not done with you!” Said the guy striking a fist into my gut.

“Girls run, run to the end of the street!” I said to them.

“I said I didn’t want any trouble here…” I replied confidently but aching after the blow to the gut.

“Well you let them escape and now you’ve got trouble.” He said

Geez I just wanted to help them out I wasn’t looking to start a fight…

He was about the same size as me, and could defiantly throw a punch…

“Come on you gonna fight like a real man? Or what?” He greatly taunted me.

Without any thought I curled my finger back into a fist and took an accurate swing, it hit home plate straight into the face. I then kicked him in the gut and swiped him off his feet with a single swipe of my foot.

“I told you I didn’t want to start anything” I said quietly but enough so he can hear me.

As I started to head back to the girls I felt a sharp pain across my back. I whipped around only to find him standing with a tree branch in his hands.

“Fine, you want to play hardball, Let’s play!” I grabbed him by his shoulders and pushed him into a tree, and then I looked right at him and said “You don’t know who you’re messing with.”  I let him go and I watched him walk away.

“You will regret this! I’m telling you this now! You, Lexi and Lauren WILL ALL REGRET THIS!” He screamed with rage.


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